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Wow! 2 Lancasters just flew over my house, very low and very noisy merlin engines.

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Lucky you!  :t-up: 

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Lucky lucky you.

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They will be flying over Woburm Abbey to- morrow afternoon(17th) with Spitfire + Hurricane around 16.00 before traveling on to Sywell Display.

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I hope to see them at Airbourne in Eastbourne today. :t-up:

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Guess nobody saw them today.....was told they wouldn't be flying as the wind was above 18 knots. Apparently insurance won't cover flying in such wind. Think they are still at Southend ?

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Sadly you are right, no Lancs. The Red Arrows were superb despite the low cloud base, and a demo of search and rescue by a Sea King and a couple of people in the sea was perfect as there was a good wind and heavy rain as the exercise started. Oh, and the Typhoon, just breathtaking!

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Hoping to see them this Saturday at Dawlish.

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They will be flying over Lincoln tomorrow lunchtime together with the Vulcan


Very tempted to make the trip to see / hear them

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They are at finningly in the morning. I intent to pop over with the camera as it's only 5 min away

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