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SORN and the weather


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The tax on my car runs out at the end of this month.


As summer appears to have ended in July and we are having an early start to Autumn I'm contemplating just SORNing the car.


What are you lot doing?

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I've managed at least a couple of thousand miles each winter for the past few years; there's been some absolutely glorious days, you just have to be ready at short notice, to take advantage.

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End of October for me to start upgrades in November December but it will be back on the road by January if all goes to plan and we aren't snowed in again :(

Dave's right you get some great days when it's dry and bright over the winter even with an aeroscreen and no heater ;)

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And you haven't truly enjoyed the full performance of your Westfield until you've fed it a diet of nice crisp cold (dense) winter's air.

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And you haven't truly enjoyed the full performance of your Westfield until you've fed it a diet of nice crisp cold (dense) winter's air.

Very true my old xflow loves the winter

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When the new system starts in October, its all online/direct debit, so it might be possible to do it month by month

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Imagine if you could do it day by day :)

They won't let that happen in my life time :(

Someone in work was saying

Every time you sell a car you loose the end of the month and the buyer pays again for the beginning of the month

The tax man will generate billions a year from this scam :( :(

The lost tax already equates to over 1 billion we are unable as motorists to reclaim back each year if reports can be believed

(Sorry didn't mean to hijack post got carried away) :(

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I insure mine all year, so tax mine all year too.  While the opportunities for blotting (© Mooch Enterprises) will undoubtedly be less, being all wrapped up for a crisp winter blast is a lot of fun, but as Dave says, you have to be able to react quickly to the good weather!

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I SORNed mine for this month because of holiday, mot expiry and ultimate upgraditis a heated garage i.e. we moved house last week and sadly tax ran out end of July!

BUT seeing how I now own a half roof and doorsi'm going to use it all year like I did last year so retaxing 1st of September and roll on tax direct debit!!

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So many opportunities get missed by the sorned!

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So many opportunities get missed by the sorned!


So very true!

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weather normally ok till mid october

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as is always said on these posts - £20 per month to keep your car usable = priceless :yes:

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See my profile picture here.....it was taken on Boxing Day 2013....ran my car all winter, used her every week and never succumbed to using the doors.....get a fur hat and you are away! 

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