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Random, quiet beep - going crazy

John K

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Just need to rant before I go nuts...


I work from home and have a little office in the box room. It is stuffed with technology bits and bobs, some for work, some for play, some to stop my wife throwing them out.


This morning something has started to randomly and very quietly beep every 10 mins or so...


At a guess its a low battery warning, but everything has a battery now and what if its something important which I will really, really need exactly one day after the battery has gone flat..!


And as I don't really have stereo hearing anymore, I have no flipping idea where it is coming from :cry:


And as its random I can't be ready for it...


It's like some horrible water torture, waiting for the next drip / beep.

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Smoke detector by any chance?


Good shout, one is just outside the door in the hallway, checking now...


Pressed, the Test button, now my other ear doesn't work :)


The hunt continues...

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I can relate to this.  I lost the hearing in my left ear several years ago.  The times I have wandered about the house trying to locate a noise and turning my head like a radar dish...


It's nearly as annoying as asking a family member in the house where they are and they say "here".  Where the hell is "here"?  


You really don't appreciate binaural hearing until you've lost the use of one of your ears.  :down:

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Can be worth hunting in dim light, sometimes you'll be able to spot a flashing LED along with the beep.

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I can relate to this.  I lost the hearing in my left ear several years ago.  The times I have wandered about the house trying to locate a noise and turning my head like a radar dish...


It's nearly as annoying as asking a family member in the house where they are and they say "here".  Where the hell is "here"?  


You really don't appreciate binaural hearing until you've lost the use of one of your ears.  :down:


I feel your pain... Both my ears work independently but not together. When I used to work in a proper office with 20 identical phones, the other folk could not get that I did not know which phone was ringing unless I could see the red LED flashing.


And proper LOL at they say "here".  Where the hell is "here"?  



Can be worth hunting in dim light, sometimes you'll be able to spot a flashing LED along with the beep.


Hmm, OK so whilst that is good advice, you are telling somebody who is about to go postal in the next 30 minutes to wait 8 hours till it goes dark..! :d

By then most things will have been broken in an effort to shut them up.


I'm now pretty sure it is in the room, somewhere in one particular corner. But if you saw this technology graveyard you would understand that doesn't exactly narrow it down much.

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We have a wireless alarm and the door or movement sensors have played this game with me if not changed for 3 years ;)

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:laugh: I guess it depends if you have blinds/curtains etc!


I'm very prone to ear infections, which tend to leave me with really limite hearing in one ear or the other, and naturally, the ability to tell what direction a sound is coming from disappears too.


I had a similar problem on site at a customers, in the comms room. Naturally, had only one good ear at the time. After hunting for forty odd minutes, I resorted to borrowing a nice thick old blanket, and covering stacks of equipment up with it in turn. Least that way i could narrow it down to one rack.

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Good shout, one is just outside the door in the hallway, checking now...


Pressed, the Test button, now my other ear doesn't work :)


The hunt continues...

They start beeping long before they'd fail to test.

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Found it..!


Through a process of elimination, it was the headset I use for conference calls.


It has a little switch section in the lead with volume buttons and a mute button.


It was on mute (red LED was glowing) after my last call.


Must beep to let you know it is on mute - but odd it did this when I wasn't on a call.


Never mind after checking the Laptop, monitor, Xbox, PS4, both sets of controllers, the wireless headphones, blood pressure monitor, TV, camera, calculator, desktop NAS, work mobile, iPad, iTouch, printer thing and the Sat Nav... All is now quiet.


Except for the cat snoring...

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One earplug? Should stave off the madness at least until the missus gets home and can help you locate it.

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I feel your pain, my 9 year old managed to set the alarm on a digital watch which is somewhere in his toy cupboard..................................................goes off at 00.31



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Well at least you didn't spend days looking for the next doors chuffing smoke alarm...... funny how a couple of walls can change a tone.......

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Well at least you didn't spend days looking for the next doors chuffing smoke alarm...... funny how a couple of walls can change a tone.......


Now that is funny, because it happened to somebody else..!

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