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The Shedbloggers' Collection

Rory's Dad

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I've been a bit laid up recently and have had the time to push on with this.  It's very much work in progress and is a first time effort for me into the world of Wordpress.  I don't know if it would attract any advertising revenue and wouldn't expect to make any money from the merchandising.  In fact, I'm not sure why I've done it really and don't know what to make of it either.  I would therefore welcome your views and comments - specifically:

  1. Do you 'get' it?
  2. Do you like the 'look 'n feel'?
  3. Would it help you extend your browsing horizons?
  4. What do you think of the subdivisions?
  5. What do you think of the list of shedblogs themselves?
  6. What would you add?
  7. ...or take away from the thing as it stands?
  8. What would you contribute by way of any new sections, sub-sections or blogs??

The logo is my amateur effort and Rory is having a 'look' at it.


So chaps, whaddayya think??  Build it or bin it??

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I would be particularly interested if anyone thinks it would help extend their browsing horizons...


Yes, definitely - I found myself wondering off (as I often do) onto various websites / blogs recollecting older days or hobbies I've had.


On a technical point, could you make any links open another browser tab (not familiar with Wordpress, but on the Webplus I use, you just tell it to open any web hyper-links in a new browser, which these days is just another tab in Firefox, IE etc)


One other observation is the use of the word "blog" - many of the links are to pukka websites as well as build type "blogs" and so not sure if there's a word that covers both types? (blogsite?, webblog?) - I suppose when you have websites, blogs, forums, facebook and so on, it all gets a bit blurry.


Finally, I know you're still developing it, but I would have a "non-disclaimer" (usually on your home page) saying something along the lines of "any links to other websites are correct at the time of publishing and have been verified for inclusion - however we are not responsible for those external websites or their content" 


good stuff though :yes:  

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On a technical point, could you make any links open another browser tab 


Had to go through the whole thing and do each one by hand  :o  :o


Other points dealt with too.


Thanks again Tisme  :)

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I'd suggest a gallery where people could submit / post pictures of their sheds/garage/workshops ??????


I'd also call it "shed-shots" or something similar.

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