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Bloomin heck and WOW

Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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Today I had Buttercup in with Bogg Brothers in East Lutton to have her Webber carbs set up on a rolling road.



I have taken Buttercup out for a spin and I am not a fast driver by any means but bloomin heck, what a difference.


There was myself and my girlfriend Carol in the car and I overtook these cars and thought "sod it" and I just kept going and going and going.


The kick in the back when I changed gears was something I have never done before but I just cannot stop smiling.


God knows what these cars must be like on a track and after reading what some of you chaps do to your cars I dread to think what the performance and acceleration must be like. 



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Excellent to hear you could tell the difference. I am hoping for something similar on the 18th

... after reading what some of you chaps do to your cars I dread to think what the performance and acceleration must be like.

I wanted to know what a Mega Squirt was so Gary (Kuga Westie) took me out in his.

Put it this way... It was utterly Mega and I might have Squirted myself..!

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Enjoy it




And get it on a track to find out



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Hello Gary.


track days are not my thing as I have never been interested in speed and have no interest really in 0-60 times etc and going fast.


However today I was just overwhelmed by the performance and at 48 years of age it is something I am not really used to.


Now has anyone got a V8 for sale........... 

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I have never been interested in speed and have no interest really in 0-60 times etc and going fast.

Now has anyone got a V8 for sale...........

Sounds like you just developed one :d

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Hello Gary.


track days are not my thing as I have never been interested in speed and have no interest really in 0-60 times etc and going fast.


However today I was just overwhelmed by the performance and at 48 years of age it is something I am not really used to.


Now has anyone got a V8 for sale........... 


Give it time and the intrigue will get the better of you, then once you try it you will want more :d

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Morning men.


To be honest I wanted to go out again on the same bit of road this morning for a blast but the weather is not so good today and I have to go back to work this afternoon so I wont get to drive her again for another fortnight.


What point do you all say enough is enough though.


I can understand so of you lads spending money when you are racing and times are important but people seem to keep upgrading engines even on road cars.


Does it ever stop.

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I'm a bit like this at the moment, I went out following a member in his bike engined car and my pinto engined car had just been set up but he left me for dead and it sounded so sweet I think a change in car will be happening in a few years, going to enjoy this one first tho!

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You don't need to be into high speed and 0-60 times to enjoy a track day. Quite the contrary. Track days are about being on a race track - slowly discovering how fast you really can go round corners in a safe environment, chasing other cars and learning where they are faster than you, overtaking other cars, getting used to controlling oversteer, just having a great time! It's all about the driving pleasure - that's why you bought a Westie after all?


Track days are a blast and full of like minded enthusiastic people. Sure, there are always a few oiks with Scoobie Doos and knackered 205's with slicks, but still, everyone is nice and helpful.


What's enough? Well, now I have a V8 - that's enough :-p

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You don't need to be into high speed and 0-60 times to enjoy a track day. Quite the contrary. Track days are about being on a race track - slowly discovering how fast you really can go round corners in a safe environment, chasing other cars and learning where they are faster than you, overtaking other cars, getting used to controlling oversteer, just having a great time! It's all about the driving pleasure - that's why you bought a Westie after all?

Track days are a blast and full of like minded enthusiastic people.

The really great bit is being in a slower car and suddenly realising you're quicker than a faster car.

You'll end up a much quicker driver learning to drive a slower car fast.

And as for upgraditis...

the usual route for a road goer appears to rusult in the Westie being used less and less until it's sold being too impractical for much road use.

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Can I suggest Blyton trackday next year??  All Westies and plenty of friendly help and support (see a report in the next Westfield World - hopefully).

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Get Steve at bogg bros to put some bike carbs on it... It will be different again....!

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Morning men.


To be honest I wanted to go out again on the same bit of road this morning for a blast but the weather is not so good today and I have to go back to work this afternoon so I wont get to drive her again for another fortnight.


What point do you all say enough is enough though.


I can understand so of you lads spending money when you are racing and times are important but people seem to keep upgrading engines even on road cars.


Does it ever stop.

In answer to the last question, no it never stops, my advice would be don't start!


 If you are happy with the performance of Buttercup, leave her alone and enjoy. The money is better spent feeding her fuel and enjoying the drive.


Once upon a time I ran a workshop looking after Westfields, and the number of people that bought a car and within a month wanted more power was ridiculous. I must say I was very rude to the vast number of them telling them to go do a track day, cos until the car was on track they had no idea of the performance...maybe that's why I never made any money, just a load of friends :) 

 Its refreshing to hear someone who has as much speed as he needs, and is enjoying the car for what it is. Keep cruising  :t-up:

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Hi Greggs and Paul.

I did discuss the bike carbs with Boggs Brothers but not for speed.

All I want in a car is something that is reliable, brisk and that I can enjoy.

The carbs were discussed as a way to upgrade buttercup to a more reliable state as I was told the bike carbs would require no future setting up like the webbers will. I was also told that the car would be more "driveable" so this is something I am going to read up on.

It does not mean I am going to do it though as I would rather buy a set of luggage and fuel and b******* of somewhere for a few days.

Since I have owned her. I have tried to get all the clocks working and just generally tidier her up whilst gaining advice on what is needed to make her useable as a "daily " car....so to speak and reliable.

I have just had the webbers set at Bogg Brothers and she is back at Blink at the end of the month to have all new shocks and springs and to have all the geometry set up and then to be honest I am happy with how she is.

I love going up on the North York Moors and just going up roads with no satnav at 30mph to see where we end up.

I just enjoy the out and about bit and just going 10 miles to get a cup of tea.


I have had V12 cars and V8,s in the past and all my cars have been brisk but it is unusual for me to go over 70mph to be honest, but the other day....bl**** hell......Buttercup just flew and I still cannot stop grinning.

I also forgot a to add that I bought something for buttercup that was the best 1.99 I have spent. We had loads of photos taken at the weekend especially by young kids and a lot of laughs.

I will post a pic tomorrow night.

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