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V8 sold

simon besant

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I have decided to sell the Westfield

As a few know my dad died very suddenly a few weeks ago and this has made me think about what I am going to do now in the future

I had started thinking of selling her before this all happened and the car had been offered to a good friend and club member

But now it is sold and once I have got her clean and made sure it is 100% she is going to a new home

I have made many good friends over the years through the club and have enjoyed my Westfield ownership (highs and lows ) immensely

The club is a fantastic family and a part of my life so I am not saying goodbye at all

I know some might think thus is a reaction to a bad event but as I said the ball had been set rolling before this happened, this just strengthened the reasons for me selling it

I intend to now do a lot more travelling in the future with my wife and family

Starting with a second motorcycle trip in America

(Ok with a mate wife's not included) next year

So thank you to everybody for there support whilst I was rebuilding the car and at all the speed series events and I hope I entertained you all with the car as I was entertains myself with it

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Your dad set a high bar to live up to, but my God, trying would be fun!


Good luck with your future plans, and don't be a stranger...

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The fire breathing monster will be missed at the HBB meets, this news makes my trip out in it even more special, thanks mate.
( Btw the hairs on my left arm have just about grown back after being singed by the V8 monster :d)

Good luck with your future plans :yes:


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your tribute to your Dad that I read on FB made me gulp, even though I have never met the man and have only met yourself a couple of times


all the best Simon with your future plans :t-up:

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Totally understand and respect your difficult decision, and my sincere condolences on the loss of your father as well.  You've given a lot back to the club and its members during your ownership of the monster, and I join the others in hoping you'll stick around here in La WSCC Familia.  All the best for your next adventure. :t-up:

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Thank you too everyone I still plan to remain an active Westfield club member

First trip in planning land in Dallas Texas next July and rent a Harley with a 4000 mile round trip coming together heading north to Yellowstone and back

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Good luck with the sale Simon, even though i am sorry to see you selling it, can completly understand. Don;t forget to pop along to local  / national events. See you there.  :d  :d  :d

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Simon, I saw your car at Stoneleigh and it is indeed a beast - a very special creation.  Glad its gone to a good home  and I hope that you enjoy the roadtrip in the USA.  Sympathy and best wishes to all yours..



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