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Driverless Cars


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That would be about 70% of the population then, Scott?


Just about spot on Stuart :t-up:

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Well seeing as every satnav currently sends people the wrong way to our house and if it's a certain make the wrong village by over 30 miles. I really wouldn't trust the system beyond the very controlled environment shown.

I don't see the average Joe trusting it either as most can't even get their phones dvd recorders and computers working properly.

What's more worrying for me is yet again the government will allow these on the road without extensive study. Really proving that they have no idea about technology or even reality.

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Well seeing as every satnav currently sends people the wrong way to our house and if it's a certain make the wrong village by over 30 miles. I really wouldn't trust the system beyond the very controlled environment shown.

I don't see the average Joe trusting it either as most can't even get their phones dvd recorders and computers working properly.

What's more worrying for me is yet again the government will allow these on the road without extensive study. Really proving that they have no idea about technology or even reality.

The government is rushing this through to try to get those involved in the technology to work in the UK. They see lots of advantages, I see lots of problems long term.

The truth is that a vast amount of people would not have cars if there was alternatives that were cheap and worked.

In London the tube moves millions of people, but it is successful because it goes where you want to and the alternative driving is so slow.

If they got public transport working everywhere like London car use would plummet and the need to fill more cars on a smaller space would go with it.

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joke wont work , within a day there will be a serious accident involving them

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joke wont work , within a day there will be a serious accident involving them


Agreed, and more interestingly who would be held responsible - presumably not the driver???

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All wrong.  Just engineers dreaming... 


Unsurprisingly people just want to get to their destination safely by taking care - see here.


Like to see a driverless car manage that one LOL

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I think the big issue with these is going to be litigation. If the software developers are having to defend themselves every time there is a crash then it is going to be very slow to take off. Complex software in an even more complex world. Drive by wire accelerators and so on have already had issues with this.

If these vehicles do become widespread, then anyone who drives for a living is going to be looking for a new job long before the average private vehicle is driverless. Taxi drivers, delivery drivers, buses and so on. Delivery vans will be like selfcheckout supermarkets. The van arrives, you enter a pin code or whatever and a little door opens on the side with your stuff in. Same with deliveries of larger stuff. Unloading will be left to the recipient. That's hundreds of thousands of people having to find something else to do to earn a living. As soon as a robot driver is cheaper than a human and doesn't crash to often, then out will go the meatsacks.



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What If I just want to go out on an unprogrammed drive?

What if I want to park on a grass verge?

What if I go to ab g event and the parking is in a field?

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Would I need to programme in the toilet stops?

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I wonder if the driverless car can "see " black ice and fog or even standing water. What if a kid runs out in front of you?

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