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How are the permission levels decided for the different forum areas? For example, I can see some logic to having 'The Start Line' publicly visible, but I don't like many other sections open to the world- I don't want to tell all of Mexico when I'm planning a track day or what I eat for dinner...

For me, personally, an increasing amount of communication is by pm, mainly to avoid the visibility.

Can we have (or has there been) a discussion on which areas are public on the forum?

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Mike, there has been much public discussion in the past about the visibility of the forum and much objection from club members surrounding the impression of hiding large areas of the forum and potential of becoming "members only". To that end a compromise was reached whereby any potential members would be able to view the forum regardless of their membership status and as non-paying "trial members" post for a limited time period. The forum is our shop front so we need to be able to show what we can offer members rather than hiding it away

There is though two non-public forums that were created specifically for the benefit of fully paid members, these being "sponsors and traders" where member excusive offers are posted and also the "members only forum" where all other non-public discussions can take place. :)


Thanks, Mark. I agree wholeheartedly with the approach, but not with the exact detail of which sections are visible to the world. I don't think we need our shop front to cover the whole street ;-)


I accept I'm not interesting enough to be snooped on but I still like to keep a low profile on the web.


I certainly won't post 'going away for a business trip' or 'I'm on holiday suckers..!' on any sort of public forum.


But we do have quite visible and distinct toys plus there is already enough info on the forum for folk (as in non members) to figure out roughly where we live.


So I would tend to post in the 'Members Only' section if I was going to announce a trip of any sort. Problem is, this might mean I clog up that forum area with even more of my rambling rubbish.


So is this area members only? Looking at Mark's reply I would guess not.


I have a lot of sympathy for the Admins when we look at this area of the forum...


a) Why should non members be able to comment on forums matters?

b) But if a non member makes a good suggestion which means they and others will then join...


We have a classic case of 'a little from column A and a little from column B'


It's such a complicated question, once you start getting in to it, and one that rumbles on for many, many years causing upset and agro, the more locked down a forum is...


As Mark said though, it's the on-line shop window of the club. Just like the meets and events are the real world shop window of the club.


Let me play devils advocate for a moment; why would we want to put a big tent over "our" field at Stoneleigh and not let anyone see what was going on? or make monthly meets members only behind closed doors?


We need and want to grow membership as we will always have a certain churn rate as members change cars and move on.


To stretch a metaphor to breaking point, a high street with one specialist shop in tends to only draw in customers specifically seaking it out, it's a vibrant street with lots going on that encourages people in and to investigate further; it's the same with forums, the more vibrant and varied, the better at drawing in people from further afield and with different interests.


Recognising the security aspect though, yes, certain things you do have to be a member to do. Likewise, the club is quite happy for regular members to hide behind an alias. (Myself and Mark don't get that option, because as AO's (and/or committee members) it's your right to know who we actually are!)


Equally, I wouldn't necessarily advise posting on an open section detailed personal information, but that's the posters choice.


And lets face it, if someone was that determined to mine the club for info, they could just sign up on a months paid membership and pay for it out of their ill gotten proceeds!


I understand where you're coming from, maybe I'm just old fashioned in wanting more privacy. I don't want to hide behind an alias, as this is my club and I want to feel included. I just don't want random browsers stumbling across my posts whether they are local to me or living in Mexico (sorry to any offended members in Mexico). Regarding attracting new members, surely if a little more of the forum were member only, there may be added incentive to joining. For me, full forum access is the main obvious benefit to the membership...


Hi Mike, having been on the committee for a long long time this is as Mark and Dave have already said a question that constantly is under discussion with the Forum moderators. My personal conclusion is that there is no right answer, I understand exactly where you are coming from and equally the different answer put forward by Dave. The debate could go on for many posts without reaching any conclusion. In the same way that I haven't in all my ramblings  :d  :d  :d


Maybe a poll (open to members only, obviously) on whether each forum heading should be member only would help the debate? Agree that there's probably no 'right' answer- just majority opinions ;-)


Sorry, but Mike's post reminded me of the saying...

"Opinions are like a*******s, every bodies got one" :-)

And good point about unlocking more areas as being an incentive to join..!

I can actually feel all the mods going "**** not this old chestnut again"

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A*******s and chestnuts? Shouldn't that trigger a swear filter ;-)


A*******s and chestnuts? Shouldn't that trigger a swear filter ;-)

it does now I've added it to the list :d



Manually edited them, then went to the list for next time, and found it had been added, wondered who else was in here!


Extremely sorry chaps...


Having spent best part of 20 years on construction sites that word was usually considered as punctuation to be inserted in-between 'proper' profanities.


I will definitely mind my P's and Q's much more closely.


PS - I had already used the **** as even I knew the word I had in mind would get picked up :(


Extremely sorry chaps...


Having spent best part of 20 years on construction sites that word was usually considered as punctuation to be inserted in-between 'proper' profanities.


I will definitely mind my P's and Q's much more closely.


PS - I had already used the **** as even I knew the word I had in mind would get picked up :(


I know what you mean! My working time is generally split between first/second fix stages on construction sites, followed by working with the clients post hand over. So I tend to slip into the same sort of language I'd use at the client stage, when on forums.


(I can always tell when I've been a long time on site at the first fix a stage though, I have to delete half of what I've written without ever posting! (Not just language wise, but the habit of ripping each other to shreds, that you get used to).


I am much obliged to the esteemed AO Rep, Club Sec and Comp Sec for their fine responses on this matter.  It is indeed a fine balance between attracting new members by showing them what's on offer, and having areas which protect exclusive and sensitive information.  To say we have discussed and bored each other in to an early grave on the matter over the last few years would be to make mild understatement.  We have tried to make a good compromise in permissions for different user groups with regards to ability to view, post, and PM, but we always urge caution when sharing personal information anywhere on the Internet.


Just so you know, the AOs have their own private area and the Admins have one you can't see as well...but you're not missing anything! :zzz:

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