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north east westfield owners

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are they no longer a club round here? iv never heard of anything organised by them in years now, surely theres people that own them, cant understand why theres nothing happening at all.

pub meet once a week? thats not a club meet, wheres the driving part of it? isnt that what car owners do?

few guys go track daying - but .... theres gotta be more isnt there?

been going out on lone runs for ages without hearing from anyone... maybe a shake up is needed



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Busy building mine Tex, so next year I will be on the lookout for fellow North East members. There's supposed to be a meet in Co Durham but not been personally and I have heard about a gathering at the metro centre retail park on Wednesday evenings, but again not been yet. Finally the Church Mouse in Chester le St has a meet of seven owners.

Hope this helps.


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Yes the north east se7eners are a lot more active with tours etc.. Good bunch.

Where about are you chris?

The post i made originally was aimed at the lack of anything as a club tbh, just think it could be better.

Ill have a look at the map later on cheers.

Am interested in doing the wscc coast to coast again if anyones up for it? One day? There and back, easy doable. Still got the road books upstairs

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I'm still here Terry. :)  The car's not been on the road since 08, I've no plans to put it on the road any time soon either. I'm still doing trackdays with a regular little bunch, but nowhere near the numbers we had a few years back.

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I'm still here Terry. :)  The car's not been on the road since 08, I've no plans to put it on the road any time soon either. I'm still doing trackdays with a regular little bunch, but nowhere near the numbers we had a few years back.

yea just seems its totally died a death andy - be nice for a once a year gathering for a long run out - after all thats what these cars are for 

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yea just seems its totally died a death andy - be nice for a once a year gathering for a long run out - after all thats what these cars are for 


Have a word with Nick, you may be appointed North East run out co-ordinator. :yes:  (Nick may be a little busy this weekend mind.. )


I actually did a couple of coast to coasts, or in my case "..to coast" .. and still have a road book and tee shirt somewhere too. :t-up:

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I still have mine for now terry but a few years of disappointment with the engine have made me loose me westy mojo. Plus lack of time with having the little un. Dual mass flywheel went on tin top blowing this years westy budget

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Yes the north east se7eners are a lot more active with tours etc.. Good bunch.

Where about are you chris?

I'm just outside Newcastle near Wallsend hadrian golf club. Would be good to get to know some locals especially once I have her built!

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Chester le street for me kingstar.

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Tex - You can join up with us any time you like.  We will be going past Guisborough etc on the eastern leg of our Coast to Coast.


Feel your pain though  :(

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It's on Sunday 7 September.  We meet at ‘our’ pub, the Fox and Grapes and then head north east via York to Kirkby Moorside.  Then it’s up into the magnificent North York Moors.  Lunch is in Whitby (to see the sea) and then we head towards Guisborough, Stokesley and down the B1257 towards Helmsley.  Then it’s down Sutton Bank, Thirsk, the A1 and then back to the Fox and Grapes.  Hope you can join us  :) 

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Hi Tex,


Great to hear from you and thanks for stepping up to the plate. Currently the NE guys that actually come to the meet's don;t have roadgoing cars, so we all just chat about trackdays & Sprints etc and the meeting venue is central for those that actually turn up. Even though I normally drive 30 mins to get to it.


You are right we could really so with some run-outs etc and bring it back to a more road based region. 


So sounds like you are up for taking on the NE Area, please contact Scott Young - WSCC Chairman and arrange to take over. It would be great and allow me to concentrate on the Speed Series and events like Blyton.

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