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steved over and out


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I'm saddened to hear that you feel that there's no other option but to leave us but fully support your decision and your choice to highlight this particular issue.


I agree with the other comments about companies (not just WF) who getting uppity about, what they perceive to be accusatory comments; it's down to just that .. perceptions and interpretations. Seriously, I work with (against) legal beagles all the time and can see why they get paid rock star wages to deliberate over the minutia in law and libel.


A word to the wise:

If raising a safety concern about any component (car or otherwise), I support the decision to raise the concern amongst like-minded folk by following some simple rules.


1) Always state that you have discovered a potential issue (with the manufacturing process/component/whatever), which in your consideration, may or is likley to cause harm or injury.

2) You, in your personal opinion suspect, the cause to lie with the blah, blah, blah.

3) You advise all persons potentially affected by your discovery to check their own vehicle/whatever for same issue.

4) If found, you further advise that the person contacts the supplier/manufacturer/whoever directly to discuss their concern.

5) Do not attempt or suggest to repair/modify/whatever the issue without first speaking with the supplier/manufacturer/whoever to entitle them to provide a replacement/repair/advise/etc.


The above are just my suggestions and I hope they are helpful to someone, and by no means reflect the views or position of the Club or its Committee in any way.

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Steve,  I undertand all your points and they are very well made and well intended.  Now stop being a gayer and carry on a normal please!!


Much wuv, your soft southern cousin 


James  :love:

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Steve, you make life interesting then the committee come along and spoil it.



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Some perfectly valid points, I fully understand where your coming from.

For me though, having experienced the automotive industry from the POV of a tier 1 supplier, I can say I've seen far worse and on a MUCH greater scale.

Hell, remember the fuss over Toyota a few years back?

Manufacturers are always dodging blame, because as soon as they admit to something they suddenly get landed with multimillion £ legal action from people claiming to have been effected (especially over in the good old US of A), in WSCs case it'd be enough to bankrupt them.

A lot of the big manufacturers have massive quality issues, but they cover them up by rectifying faults at service intervals. WSC don't get this opportunity.

Its all very complex and utterly infuriating.

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Hang on in there wuv ;) ;) ;) don't be beaten and give in :) :) :) it's possibly what a very small number of folks would like to see :(:down:

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Don't go big fella. It's a just a blip along the road. You've seen your fair share of upsets these past couple of years and many would have run a mile ages ago. Stick with us (and it) wuv.

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I see exactly where Steve is comong from and frankly don`t blame the fella.

I made a posting regarding his original one and it was unceremoniosly REMOVED.

It is at the point now where we`re almost afraid to mention the W word without fear of upsetting  someone.

I have been arranging a visit to JD Classics in Maldon....amazing place.....

Also looking at arranging get together of crossflow powered cars...

But sorry to all the guys who contacted me,  I`m now out !  I want nothing more to do with trying to make people more aware of the cars or the club myself.

All this pussyfooting really sickens me.

I joined the club....can I call it `the club` ? to meet other owners and go out for mad blats...the forum\chat room is for that..chat and banter....not edited PCness !

Rant over

And all due respect to Steve D......not the last I fear .

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I'm sure this has been discussed before (but I can't find it), but why can't more of the forum be locked as only viewable by members? Some of the more sensitive subjects (regardless of liability concerns) should surely not be freely visible to the entire world??

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well done Steve d for the information.

I find it shameful that the club uses the litigation as what I see as an excuse to hide threads that don't sit well with the committee.

How many forums, clubs have been sued to date ?

This is an issue that owners need to be aware of but instead it's been hidden.(by that I mean buried) .I also found the response by Scot rather insulting to members in general. Vote I will , with my membership fee when due as I really feel that this club's interest isn't with its members based on the thread referred too.

That's all I have to say on this.

Cue censorship .

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Hidden? Really? I can still see Steve's original very imformative post highlighting the issue etc. :t-up:


I think you may have gotten a little over excited and looked in the wrong area. ???

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steve maybe youre just going the wrong way about things. instead of letting things like the arb's etc eat you up. just cut out the middle man and report these things straight to the authorities.


hope you change youre mind as it would be a shame to lose youre skills and knowledge



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A few things:


1) VOSA are now involved in this.  They have read the original thread and are working with WSC Ltd on the matter, so it is in hand.  VOSA are far more qualified to look at this independently than any of us, so again, do not speculate as to this situation as it will not be helpful and may well be moderated if you do so.


2) The original thread has not yet been pinned because no one (including Steve) asked anyone on the committee to do so - saying it's been hidden or buried when it's still plainly visible is 100% nonsense.  (We are considering pinning it and in which area to do so, but it will remain locked - see above.)


3) I will never apologise for the committee doing its duty and protecting each and every one of you and the club itself from libel, defamation, or loss of revenue litigation claims from any one or from any company.  (For the record, WSC Ltd has not threatened the club with litigation and they know we are taking all necessary steps to prevent libellous comments being posted on the forums.)  Graham, you were told at the time in a PM you read exactly why your post was hidden - it was blatantly libellous, against the forum rules and exposed the club to litigation.


Like the rest of you, I hope that Steve will change his mind and stay.  He obviously feels very strongly about this as he has often done before about many issues in the past, but it would be a shame if he left just when he highlighted a potential issue that we trust VOSA will put to bed and put all of our minds at ease.

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Steve, don't know you personally, but you have done exactly what you set out to do and that's to raise awareness of the issue you encountered.

Saying you're going to disappear to me is saying that you don't care about the many friends you have on wscc, when in fact everyone knows you do or you wouldn't have highlighted the issue in the first place, don't take things as a rollocking instead where it like a medal, someone will defo benefit from the knowledge of your findings.

Now please calm down and have beer, as far as I can see you're too well liked to be allowed to disappear.

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I find this forum tame compared to the Vw sites I am used to. They all have a policy statement on page one that you personally are responsible etc - none sued so far..

But then they don't tend to have the manufacturer posting on there!

I have seen a lot of posts regarding over moderation and people leaving - thems the rules here and it's our choice to abide, leave or set up an alternative site which with such a small community is pointless.

Forums are open to legal action so do see the clubs point but as a compromise why not give members a closed passworded only grown up 18+ area to air whatever Westfield views they want?

Oh and forums can get sued...


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