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steved over and out


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I am proud to call Steve a mate and have already said he should review his decision and stay on as a member - the club will be a poorer place without his mountain of knowledge on Westfields.

I do get a little p******** off though with the comments on this thread about the decisions the committee make. How many people were queuing up to take over the vacant committee positions at this years AGM? There are loads of people prepared to knock the decisions that are made in the best interests of the club - but only a brave few who are prepared to stick their head over the fence and be counted.

This thread is about The Honey Monster and the long standing problems with inboard ARB's. Let's use it to make him change his mind and leave the chosen (brave) few to make the right decisions for the club.

If you disagree - put your name forward next year. (Imagines scene of people running away with hands above head whilst shouting hysterically)

That's my rant over.

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Unfortunately the original thread Steve is referring to had escaped me.

Having now read it and agreeing with all sides, may I formally request that the thread is pinned?


Many thanks for the heads up Steve, Please don't go wuv...  

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The thread is now pinned here,


And I do hope Steve reconsiders and decides to stay around.

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Wholeheartedly agree with Paul. Steve I have spoken to you on the phone and seen your advice on the forum. I feel you are a valuable asset to the club. You were right in bringing your observation to the forum.

However I also agree with the work Scott and other committee members do. We are indeed fortunate to have a representative from the manufacturer on the forum and should be proud of the positive relationship we as a club have with them. it is no small thing our views and opinions matter to the very people that make a fantastic product. It's the moderation work (unpaid) that our committee do to ensure this positive relationship exists and members are protected.

Online lawsuits are becoming more common as companies and people are realising how damaging this kind of publicity is.

The thread in question was informative and well moderated in my opinion. Giving every side an opportunity to post.

The reason I like this club and especially the forum is that it is filled with mature and responsible people that are professional and passionate about their hobby.

Steve you are one such person so I hope that you change your mind.

Committee and moderators you are doing a great job and I for one appreciate the job you do thank you.


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I echo all this - Steve has done the right thing based on his observations and underpinning experience and the Committee and its elected officers have done the right thing in the interests of the WSCC Club and it's personnel/dilligent obligations.  Glad its pinned and I hope that Steve D continues to inflate his elvis suit and post pictures on here.  


Lots of wuv


James x

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That's al I have to say on this

Except to applaud the decision to make the info a sticky and thank those responsible.

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Steve, you have been involved in a single issue of which I have to see too many of these things in my daily work.


Thanks for making me feel valued and highlighting how important my job is. :yes:


I enjoy reading your posts on here. Don't jack it in. Fixing things, aside from politics, is always fun! ;)  :)

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^^^ that's a US example.  This UK summary is better: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2006/aug/31/news.politicsandthemedia


Found Julian's post interesting, was unaware that this was an ongoing concern that the club was already aware of, so thanks to Steve for highlighting.


Would be a shame to see you leave the Westfield scene, Steve...

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Looks simple to me - Steve has stated the issue in a manner that won't drop the WSCC in it and helps to inform owners of the issue (which I agree with by the way as per my post n the thread) - and the WSCC has controlled the thread so things remain within the rules and avoids potential court action - and VOSA are looking at the issue with WSC


Now that the post is pinned so that it remains visible should we all not be happy bunnies?


Stick around Steve I think you are being a little hasty here

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