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steved over and out


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first of all before i type this i would just like to say , i do not want to fall out with anyone especially the commitee who have been more than fair with me when i have been out of order in the past and i respect and thank them for that ,i have some very good freinds on the commitee and that have been on the commitee and in the club , i have made some fantastic freinds in the club over the years and have some memories i will never forget ,even if my memory is bad with my health issues

i had my first westfield in 1997 and have been around them ever sinse as you all know , i have had some of the best moments of my life while being around the speed series and its drivers over the years


so this is summat i am not taking lightly and type it with a tear in my eye

as you know i posted a thread the other day about the issues with the front inboard arb's , with pictures of cracked chasssis due to these

the thread is still there  but needs pinning for all to see imho

but i am upset and angry at the way things are dealt with these days where the club is scared of legal action from wsc about all sorts so threads like the arb thread get locked , imho the thread should at least be pinned as this is a serious safety issue a very serious one and should not just drift away off the first page ,it should be headline news , and i want to know i have done all i can to stop anyone getting hurt

i know there is work going on behind the scenes to sort this out and i appreciate that i really do and all the hard work by scott and everyone else involved ,but its not fair on the club to fight the battle

the world has gone legal action mad ,people need to stand up there actions instead of taking the easy option of threatening legal action ,that's the cowards way out


i have openly offered my help to owners foc to give them help and piece of mind with this issue
but imho wsc need to put out a statement about this and admitt there is a serious issue and not hide behind legal action and threats , they should be recalling cars right now and changing the inboard arb's , hell if toyota can do it im sure wsc could do it ,its nothing to be ashamed of at the end of the day these things happen ,owners and members would think more of you if you admitt the issues so  please wsc admitt there is a problem grow some balls and speak out about it and do the right thing for your customers and the club who fully support you before summat bad happens


i had a call the other day from a owner who had issues with the arb and chassis cracks a few years ago but it got brushed under the carpet after they wriggled out of it


as said i am sick of all the worries of legal action and threats and not being able to post facts same as the toybox thread where they had knowingly sold a westy on a mk2 escort v5 and a mk2 escort mot

but again the club had to remove and lock the thread through threats of legal action ,its just wrong members and potential owners have a right to know


hell if i cant try to protect owners from serious issues and maybe even injury then i no longer want to be a part of it anymore , so i have decided to have nothing more to do with anything westfield at all ,

weather this is the right decision i dont know but this is how i feel at the moment i may change my mind but i doubt it at this point

i have nothing against any club members or anyone on the commitee or ao's etc etc but i feel strongly about this problem ,its not for the club to sort out the issues with the arb's or fight the battle with wsc to sort it as I said earlier  ,i know there is a lot going on behind the scenes i appreciate that and im greatfull for the hard work but it needs imediate action ,it should be about wsc sorting it out and doing the right thing before they have a death or serious injury on there hands due to this

i will finish off the jobs i have in but then i no longer want anything to do with westfields any more


it upsets me to do this but im just sick of it all and dont know what else to do so best i walk away

I wear my heart on my sleeve and say what I think ,sometimes that a bad thing

so thanks for the good times and memories and thank you everyone who has worked hard for the club in what ever roll


i will be clearing out everything westfield over the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled for bargains on ebay

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It will be very sad to see you go Steve as you have helped a lot of people with advice and car repairs after shunts etc and you service will leave a gap that few others can deal with. I hope this can be sorted out before your decision becomes final as I for one have enjoyed you being in the paddock and also competing as part of the Westfield club. Best of luck wuv!

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As Terry says Steve it would be a sad day indeed, I'm eternally grateful for the repair you did for me at such short notice and such a fast turn around oh and as for the FOC bit my Dad and I were speechless...............Thank you.........and the best of luck.



P.S. If what is under that cover behind your office ever comes up for sale mmmmmm 

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I too find it a shame. 2 years ago I struggled to get on with some of your "to the point" posts, and found you a bit brutal at times- over the past couple of years, youve turned a new leaf and your posts have been nothing but informative, and definitely helpful to many members here. I think a club like this can only benefit from the knowledge that you kindly share.

If this is goodbye, then fair well, and wish you the best.....

Don't let bureaucracy get in between both your happiness, and that of the members here- your a great addition to the club.

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Steve I don't know you but you are doubtless a huge asset to Westfield owners and the WSCC.  Being a fellow northerner (but the right side of the Pennines), I don't have any problem with straight talking and I too struggle with much of the PC ethos and the increasingly litigious nature of society (following the American model).


But that's the crux of it - it's society and not WSC or the WSCC.  I urge you to reconsider this decision Steve.  If not then I am sure you will be very sorely missed.

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Change you mind wuv. Plenty of us on here are your friends  :love:

It aint worth getting fret up about. You are better than that

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Sad day Steve, I can understand and sympathise with your reasoning though and you don't need more stress in your life these days..


best of luck wuv :yes:


PS. the Benly is nearly finished (long story...) I'll send you some pics of the finished article next week

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You were absolutely right to highlight the potentially serious issue you've encountered and I'm certain that many people will benefit from the warning.


However, the club and you do have to be mindful of legal issues around things like this. I know it appears mad, but that sadly is the way of the world these days. To their credit, it looked like the factory responded and offered to check anyone's car who had concerns. Although not publicly declared, I'm certain that they'll be looking very closely at this and will take it seriously. I'm sure that they are mindful of any legal comebacks too.


You shouldn't walk away because of this. I don't think anyone's been out to attack you personally for highlighting it and you've rightly received thanks from many people for doing so.


 I'm certain that the club would have no choice but to respond in similar fashion no matter who it was, though. Not many people would have the guts to speak out in the way you did and you shoudn't change your style of straight talking, even if not everyone agrees with you all the time


Encourage those that you've helped to approach the factory directly with their issues and lets hope that some action is taken to address it for the benefit of everyone.


As said above, you shouldn't walk away over this, as the club has only taken precautionary action on behalf of everyone, which is just a necessary evil in these litigious times, unfortunately


Stick with it Steve

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Hello Steve,

I’ve never met you but it is crystal clear to me (even as a relative newbie) that you are a great member of this club being both knowledgeable and helpful to others here.  


From my objective viewpoint, you have raised concerns about a potential problem, they have been communicated to the members and the manufacturer has been made aware of the situation. You have done what you can and I’m sure everyone is grateful for that, but it would be a great shame to lose you from the club over an issue that is now out of your hands.  


It would be far better that you stay an active member and continue to help than take away your support: both you and us would be the worse off for that.



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I'd just like to echo what MarkMK said - never had dealings with you Steve but that was exactly what I was thinking.


And I now know what a wuv is  ;)



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Don't do it wuv - this club needs you.

Love and kisses xxx

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I agree totally with R you were right to bring it to the forum and I am sure lots of people are grateful. It would be shame to lose such a valued member of the club.


Steve, hang on in there.



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wuv is (love)

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