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Westys and Taxing it - what a rip off!


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6 months at £126.50 or £230 a year for a car that does 3000 miles if i'm lucky!! RIP OFF!!!

I pay enough to run it on the fuel!!

Erm yes guess what letter arrived today... hehe

Course i'll pay it but I dont want to!

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That's why mine's SORNed and sees action only on track days. :(

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I know just how you feel and it hurts even more to know there are cars out there that do not pay any road tax at all. It may encourage people to buy greener cars, and I am all for helping our very fragile planet from pollution, but a car is a car and they all cause some damage to our roads and motorways, why should we not all be on the same playing field.

Roads still have to be maintained and built, or take lessons from other countries and add it to fuel, that way everyone pays.

Just a thought.



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One of the reasons I'd quite happily lump it all onto fuel. So long as the government didn't use it as an excuse to increase the total revenue raised.

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or £19 a month - sounds much cheaper that way :d

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So long as the government didn't use it as an excuse to increase the total revenue raised.


And of course that's exactly what they would do

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They were going on about fuel duty the other day and said if only 2p of the duty went on repair it would raise 4 billion pounds in a year

So when they are getting about 80p what the hell are they doing with all our money

I don't see that many schools and hospitals

I feel better now :)

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Glad I'm not the only Grumpy one!

I actually look forwards to the direct debit of £19 a month.

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6 months at £126.50 or £230 a year for a car that does 3000 miles if i'm lucky!! RIP OFF!!!

I pay enough to run it on the fuel!!

Erm yes guess what letter arrived today... hehe

Course i'll pay it but I dont want to!

Stop moaning Peet, we all pay about the same.   Use it more and the tax per mile will be less.

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I think peets got a good point mine is only insured for 5000 miles a year and in paying the same for the westy as I'm paying for my 110 defender

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I think its good value - 7,000 miles in my car last year (westfield) and 15,000 in the BMW since february - i know which i prefer paying for…. :-) 

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I can't really complain as lots of my motorbikes are pre 1975 and tax is free & even better, the pre '60 ones don't even need an MOT.

Insurance is also dirt cheap.....

We're a spineless ....pc terrified lot that won't stand up and be counted.......so let's keep paying and stop whining..that's what my wife says......anyway.

Is she right ?...... Where's Norman....?

She's Irish and thinks English blokes are wimps.....guess that includes me......?oh dear!

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I could not believe a report on the National News last week where it was suggested taking £xxx Million from the tax on motorists to fix all the potholes, we should be spending ALL the money from tax on motorist on the road!!!!    

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