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Westfield Newbie!

Pond Dipper

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Hello to all of you. I have just agreed to purchase my first Westfield SE. It is in good running order but there are a few things I would like to do to make it better/legal/safer. The first is the brake lights don't work so got to have a rummage and see if it's a wiring problem or fuses or at the pedal end. the second is I would like to fit a pair of after market wing/side mirrors. I have studied some photos in the gallery and there seems to be as many solutions as photos here.

Can anyone suggest /recommend a suitable supplier and any tips as to the fitting of said mirrors?

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Firstly welcome to the mad house hope you have many a mile of enjoyment from your Westy.


A common "fault" with the brake lights is the switch , not sure about the SE but I've SEIW and the switch is on the brake line in a 'T' above the master cylinder (Factory built car), If you do have the same set up then a quick test of the wiring by joining the live feed and the switch wire together and if the lights come on then probably the switch has died. 

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Thanks clansman, will check that first

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Welcome aboard

Enjoy the weather :)

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It's arrived, and so have the clouds! Hope to go for a run this afternoon.

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Welcome dipper

Joining this site will be one of the best investments you'll make, you will always get the help you need

Sometimes theres a switch fitted direct to the pedal box,youll see it under the bonnet

Same way to test as above

For mirrors ide advise only buying on recommendation or actually looking at them physically, when i was a newbie i bought a great looking pair from a well known company at stoneleigh - they were like looking into a spoon when on the car , ide see a car in the distance only to find out he was really about 6 foot away when i looked over the shoulder

I went with the modern metro style ones - OE stuff has to be a good image

Far safer imo

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Thanks Steve, I need to look into which ones that a, look right, b, give a good view, and c, can fit. Not necessarily in that order!

I've found the brake switch beneath the pedal box cover under the bonnet. It was in 2 pieces, no wonder it didn't work!

Anyway, located a new one on good old ebay and just waiting for the postman to ring the bell!

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New query, speedo not working, any advice on fault finding and part location gratefully received.

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First things first, is it a mechanical or electrical speedo ?

If mechanical then it could be the drive cable has broken or become disconnected either from the gauge or from the gearbox drive gear.

Electrical speedos will use a sensor which typically will read off either one of the front discs or a driveshaft. Certain types much like a bicycle speedo require a magnet to be bonded/glued onto the hub or shaft for the sensor to read from, these sometimes will fall off if not stuck properly. The other type of sensors will read off the head of a bolt. The clearances needed for the sensor to read properly are very small (in the region of 1mm) so check the gap is not too large or the sensor wont be able to read the bolts.

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Mirrors - I had an SE Narrow with the "older" type windscreen supports (sides) and I bought cheap motorbike mirrors, then drilled and tapped threaded holes in each support and screwed the mirrors in. I posted on here with details.

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Thanks Mark,mechanical vdo, Speedo end looks fine,got to get down and dirty to look at other end. Wish me luck.

Dodgey, thanks for that i was hoping for a bolt on alternative. Will speak to Westfield tomorrow and see what they used to reccomend.

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Further to speedo query, I have now discovered that 4 years ago the gearbox was changed from a Cortina 1600 Mk IV (original build) to a Sierra 2.0 5 speed. Would this make a difference to the speedo? ie if they just changed the gearbox and stuffed the same speedo cable into the new box would the speedo still work and would it be accurate or should there have been other changes made?

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