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Police priorities


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Bureaucrats/politicians make the decisions and set the targets, the people on the front line get the blame.

Not a lot else to say really :(

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my comments aren`t meant as an insult to firemen, it`s a citisism of the service.

I obviously reported the spill as did another motorist. I also told the coppers at the roadside check.As I drove on the opposite lane to the spill on my way back I flashed my lights and waved to other road users.

I use this forum to put my thoughts across ,not to cause arguments.

As for being prepared for all road conditions....well.....all the training in the world will not prepare you for the unexpected.

If it could, there would never be another accident.

I`m sure many firemen are 100% professional, unfortunately the dozen or so I know all moonlight and seem to find any excuse to get out of what they should be doing.

I take my hat off to the ones who don`t swing the lead, don`t moonlight and aren`t constantly throwing sickies.

Right....got that off my chest.....thanks for reading......


Where`s Norman ?

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