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New guy from germany, just saying hello!


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Yep, my old Westfield XE exhaust manifold went to an owner in Germany, many years ago.


Superb English by the way, Sebastian! Wish I could remember anything but the odd word in German now, which shames me! When I was 19 I spent a year living just outside Mainz, attending the fachhochschule in Mainz, and doing an industrial placement with Wayss & Freytag AG out in Wiesbaden.


Karting or race boots and some very narrow fit trainers help a little with the pedals.

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Guten tag Sebastian,


Willkommen; Ich wünsche dich viel Glück mit deinen Westfield ... And all my congratulation for your English. I'm french (I live on the Loire valley near Tours) and I would like to write English so easily than you. I try to imagine the performance of your car. I watched videos to undrestand better. It must be a bomb! My style is quieter and rather the blatting along the Loire valley. My car owns only 130 HP for 760kgs: I modified the bodywork and it's now a single neoclassic roadster. (you may look my website to discover my car and my story). I'm sometimes going in Germany in Würtemberg (Stuttgart, Heilbronn). I enjoy the neckar valley an its wines ...


auf wiedersehen

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Was kinda busy last days, so I couldn't reply till now. Weather is getting better, so let's hope I can hit the road tomorrow after work.

Naw, I don't think my english is that good, as you guys want to belive me. But it's well enough to get in chat. Thanks again for posting, nice community.

I also checked the carbon parts, nice stuff on your page. I guess we will get in touch soon!


I also keep the odd words in mind when I get in touch with a different language. Seems pretty normal hehe. Wiesbaden is a nice spot, some nice old buildings over there. Also the Rhein is not far away, hope you enjoyed your stay even it was not that long.

I bought my self some FIA cert Beltenick race boots. Fits really good with the pedal work and em don't look that ugly. But it sucks a bit to always wear special food work to get on a joy ride.

Seen in your build thread the closing latches for the nosecone, I really need to copy that. The screws position in there are just horrible.


Thanks also for the compliment, seems that playing mmo's on UK and US server are paying out. :-)

That german part is fully understandable, I got a holiday flat in black forest (Baden Württemberg) so not that far from Stuttgart. I'm often in France for my company.

The Cars power is really good. In the beginning I was a bit frightened. More because of the driving it self, not by the horsepower. You kinda need to learn a other way of car driving not sure how to wrap that up. But it's totally different from "normal" cars.

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