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Suarez in new role

Terry Everall

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After tonights game and previous performances he has been shortlisted for a remake of "Silence of the Lambs"


What an absolute idiot. If thats football I have to understand how he gets away with it. Biting is regarded as a criminal offence. He needs a long long ban!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Needs a lifetime ban.  But it will never happen 'cos he's on a big club's balance sheet so it would affect their bottom line.  Ain't about football anymore just money.  Makes my blood boil the way the game has been ruined.  We will never have a competitive national team with today's model, but I can't see it ever changing.

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I saw a physical assault caught on camera and not for the first time

There's a place for people like him JAIL !!!!!!!

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He's bonkers!


I imagine he'll end up having to wear a Hannibal Lecter mask as a condition of agreeing to a shorter ban


I bet he was a joy at pre-school :)

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Football 'stars' are getting weirder and weirder.  The time (and money) spent on their hairstyles and tattoos suggests that most of them have lost the plot completely.  The contrast between their appearance and behaviour with the other athletes at London 2012 was stark.  Cause??  Too much money IMO.

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Hair styles and tattoos are simply a fashion statement. Not my cup of tea ,but I'm old and grumpy. They ( some of them) certainly don't always behave like other athletes. This is probably because footballers are under very different and constant pressure to most other people....their followers and groupies are NOT the type of followers I would want.

As to overpaid.......well I think not.

All said.....footballers appeal to football followers.......what non football followers think is irrelevant.

Suarez' behaviour is not acceptable and he should be punished.....not banned , he is part of a globally followed sport and that would make the sport less enjoyable for the fans... BIG fine.

Like our finely tuned cars.....sometimes they go POP......we still love 'me !

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If the half wit bit someone in public he'd be in court for assault.


Seeing as this is the THIRD time he's done this then they need to ban him for however long they see fit. Talented as he may be with his feet he obviously sees himself above the rules of the game and isn't a good role model for anyone.


I would have loved to see him try it on Zinedene Zidane, Roy Keane, or the like!!!!

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Didn't Norman Hunter get up to similar antics at Leeds ?

So long as he doesn't bite me or mine......what the hell ? Punish the man, don't ruin the beautiful game.

Never happened when I played rugby. .???.:(

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"Norman Bites Yer Legs" was a nickname bestowed by the Leeds fans because he was a hard tackler, not because he actually bit people.


I don't think it is a beautiful game whilstever people like this are allowed to remain in it purely because of money.  The punishment is unlikely to fit the crime for that reason.  What message does that send to impressionable youngsters getting into the game?

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It's the World Cup and so all eyes will be on FIFA to be seen to act. They already have enough controversy on their door step over Qatar and won't want to add to it.  


Their big corporate sponsors will be piling pressure on FIFA to make a strong statement.


I see a long ban coming his way.

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Disgraceful ... Third offence of biting an opponent and a  4 Month Ban ...   :swear:

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Fava beans and a nice Chiellini............. fthfthfthfth

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Problem solved - I hear Suarez has been sold for £80m, to Borussia Munchonacentrebach.....

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