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There's always one (or more)...

Captain Colonial

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Took Sophie, our West Highland White Terrierorist, out for a walk last night in the evening cool.  While on the journey, we happened past a woman in her mid-forties who had a face like she'd just drank a pint of pickle juice.  Sophie is a very affectionate, nosey, curious, and friendly type of dog, and walked towards said sourpuss.


"Keep it away from me!", she said with a loud voice when Sophie got within 10 feet.


That's fine, I accept some people don't like dogs, so I kept Sophie back from her, explained and apologised in a very friendly, polite manner.  That is, until the cow in question carried on with her rant.


"Disgusting, filthy creatures!  I hate dogs!  They do no good at all, just bark and eat and poo!  Owners like you are irresponsible idiots as well.  If I had my way, I'd put every pet down and the world would be a better place!"


I just about lost my temper, but instead decided on calm and polite insult. :t-up:


"Oh, I'm sorry.  I've been ever so busy and haven't heard the world news for a week now.  Congratulations on your elevation and new title!", I said in a friendly voice.


"What are you talking about?", she hissed back at me.


"Well, obviously your predecessor died recently, and you've been crowned as the new Queen of the :arse: holes.  Congratulations!", and walked off, while she stood there dumbfounded and gasping like a fish out of water.


Some people - but I was pleased with the outcome. :laugh:



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:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :t-up:

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ACE :) :) :)

Some folk are just a waste of skin

Only the human animal can harbor such an emotion as her

It's what sets us apart from the other animals :(

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The sort of thing I would have liked to say but only think of several hours later!

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Well said buddy. Wish I had your patients and quick thinking.

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