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Football night.....


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Has given me quiet roads all night for blatting on :-) glad I didn't stay in to watch that tripe!!!

Roll on Saturday morning for the all blacks game :-)

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First full game I've had on. I spent more time looking at the internet on my iPhone though. Totally indifferent to football (and rugby) and honestly felt very little when the goals went in. My interest might have gone up for a semi-final it's fair to say though.

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After sticking it up us for the second time.....all I could see was the ghost of one Diego Maradonna !

This though was the boot of God......hands not required.

So are we out ????

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I had 2 productive hours working on the car, new floor pans now riveted in

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We shouldn't be too hard on them as some of them are trying to scrape by on 100k a week!!!

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We shouldn't be too hard on them as some of them are trying to scrape by on 100k a week!!!

They spend 99K of that on make up though 

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Has given me quiet roads all night for blatting on :-) glad I didn't stay in to watch that tripe!!!


I had a lovely evening jaunt too: 8-10ish and barely a soul on the roads.


Are there other big matches looming?

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Sh1te, pure and simple. Overpaid and over there.


Bob :d

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After they lost the ads came on Nike showing some of these muppets as robots or some rubbish - maybe they should stop making adverts and practice to win the game they're paid so well to do!

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Has given me quiet roads all night for blatting on :-) glad I didn't stay in to watch that tripe!!!



My thoughts exactly went out about 8 and got back just in time to see the last couple minutes (after giving Westi a quick wash). Even managed to stop for a quick photo shoot as I realized I would be home too early otherwise.




A much better evening, still disappointed but not stressed about it, which I would have been had I wanted it. 

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Selling stuff is what they are so well paid to do.[/quot

No good moaning about how much they are paid, or how rarely they win.

As Matt says 'selling stuff........

These guys are professional athletes, win or loose. They are paid to put bums on seats and shirts on shoulders. It's business ,pure and simple.

Do any of you honestly begrudge these guys what they earn......what if it was your son ????

Stop putting our athletes down.....yes athletes !

If they come home, then so be it...... Do you think they're happy?

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No doubt at all they're excellent athletes.  Can't complain about how much they're getting paid either when there's enough people willing to spend their spare cash to watch and support them, no matter how expensive it gets - that's called market forces.  It's a bit rich that some moan that the national team aren't good enough when they support teams that have a squad of almost enitrely overseas players.


However, I won't watch simply because the game is crooked.  Like a dead fish, it stinks from the head down.  FIFA and Sepp Blatter are like the Mafia.  Pro players at the highest level cheat by diving and faking fouls and injuries, and they get away with it, and they also berate and bully officials, encouraging the youth of the world to do so as well at the local level.  Corporate sponsorship has priced what is the simplest, cheapest (1 ball) and most egalitarian sport on the planet out of reach and use it to try to get you and I to buy their products.  It's not the beautiful game any longer, and I've better and more fair sports to enjoy watching.  Don't wish the players or the game ill, but let me know when it's clean and fair.


/apologies to anyone offended

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