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calling it a day


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I was in your exact same position Steve, except my restorations were vw camper vans so pretty much 3 rooms in a metal box that needed to be repaired before you could even start - makes a normal car seem easy to rebuild and a Westy lovely!!

I was on my own totally at first then I as I got inundated I subbed body work out, then engine work and then just re-assembled and modified everything at my workshop..

I was working 8-7 then home, accounts, ebay, forums, parts sourcing and packing... etc etc plus a 5 year old & baby.

It was either expand or get out.

I was missing my old life, there was more to life than cars I'd built in magazines and worrying about details on vehicles that are not even mine!

Luckily I got a second chance career change at just the right time and am a Firefighter now and my life work balance is restored.

Last year I sold my camper and bought my Westy and its the best move I have done!

Self employed is constant hard work and only you can decide how much you can do - I opted out there's no shame in it, I put my family and health first and I'm glad!

Oh and how busy was I one bloke on his own?

Look at this lot I had at one time...


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Good luck with which ever way you go

I too was busy all hours worrying working, van off road, phones down again, update computers, retrain, difficult costomers

Till I went back to employment

Now I get the same difficult people so get used to what they want

Loads of free time off

Paid every month

Pension plan

It's not all good I hate every second of it, but I know if I wanted I could setup and start again easy in just a few weeks

I'm sure you could too now you have seen the demand for your ability

Or just pick and chose like many have said before me

Good luck

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