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calling it a day


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well I have give this some serious thought over the last few months and I have decided to call it a day at the end of the year

I am sick of battling with eediots and timewasters,also scottish power etc etc , and muppets who try to take you to court over pathetic things and think that threats work ,get a chuffin life !

and a constant fight over vat and paying to much after stupid advice from the accountant , I might aswell of p******** thousands up the wall

so at the end of the year im packing up and will be looking for a job so I can have my life back ,I have enjoyed every minute of my job sinse I have been here and I have not done that for the last 15 years or more ,so its been a superb experience and im so busy its unbelievable and I still have months and months of work here and it just keeps coming which is brilliant ,I never thought it would do so well

I could not of done it without all my friends and you lot ,but enough is enough

I just wanted to do what I love but its turned into a constant battle every week with one thing or another

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blimey, if it were not for the financial aspects would you carry on? if you can afford it cant you get someone in to man the desk and fend off all the idiots? it would be a shame to stop what you like and end up doing something mundane that you dont.

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Trouble is, you'll always work with/for idiots. Be it Joe public or some jumped up manager with a degree in media studies.... Idiots are sadly a fact of life :(

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As above, sounds like you need to get someone in to manage all of the crap whilst you get on and run and build the business. Could you try that now and see how you feel at the end of the year before bailing out...?

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I agree, get someone in to help and see how you feel in a few months. Work for someone else and after a while you will feel the same but without the freedom and satisfaction you have now. Never quit when the chips are down, you ALWAYS regret it later.

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As above wuv - what you really need is this PLUS more importantly, to stop working every hour God sends.  Ridiculous that you're working so late and on Sundays - you need to treat yourself and Bev better.  Tell people when they will get their order, not the other way around, and that's when it's finished, not when they think they should have it - setting or letting deadlines be set for you is ruination.  Don't make me come up there and slap you around, even if I know you like that sort of thing, you mankini-wearing cloth-eared haystack. You're your own worst enemy - knock it off.  Rant over wuv :love::cool::yes::d

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If you ever find a job that doesn’t have any dealing with idiots you’ll probably be the first I’ve met.


Admittedly some roles have more exposure to the above than others, but if you own the business then it’s a very good idea to get someone who separates you from all the ‘stuff’ you don’t care for.


Good luck to you whatever you choose.



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Steve mate I hope you get this sorted . Running your own business is always very time consuming and at times frustrating but is generally more satisfying than doing what others tell you to so try to work it out. You must not work all the hours that god sends and pull your hair out meeting impossible deadlines. The finances should be the easiest to sort with an accountant you can trust or someone to do your "books" As Scott says maybe consider getting some help to deal with the admin side even on a part time basis. 

Look at the positives as well as the negatives and cut yourself a bit of slack and get out on track 


Good luck

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steve - outsource it - good accountant, good front desk man/woman, good shop foreman - you be the boss in your infaltable elvis suit... keep at it mate  :yes:

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Steve, you have said you love what you do, so that speaks volumes! I can't think of many people, me included that love our jobs. Really If I could leave and do something else, then I would, but it's not that easy! 


Keep at it, get some help and make things easier for yourself.

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Steve, don't be too hasty. You are very good at what you do, that's why you are so busy. You just need to do slightly less of it. As has been said previously get someone else to deal with the every day stuff then you can do the good stuff. Working the hours you do will only end one way, badly!!

Anyway we would all miss you, wuv.

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I outsource mine, part time book-keeper, accountant to finalize everything once a year and an office manager. 

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Some good advice here, Steve. Try and get a receptionist who can also do some basic book keeping for you and who can "field" all the 'phone calls for you. That way you can spend more time doing what you like doing and are good at doing, and get some of the pressure off your back.

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You could put up your prices to maintain profit and reduce volumes.  Mind you, I know nothing about your sort of business!


I've run my own business for a couple of years and it was dreadful - I felt like a victim.

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cheers guys

i do have jo she does me two days a week and has started doing my books etc which has taken some pressure off but im just sick of being battered down and inundated with eeediots

its a shame as i have some real nice cars to do over the next few months so i will just enjoy them while i can , i have a xk120 race car a shapecraft elan through rob navin to do also a mercedes sl pagoda all of which are worth over 100k each i would have thought easily and i cant wait to do em

but the rest of it is not worth the hassle im affraid , muppets who send deposits for things then you never hear from em again even after messages and calls ,then after months contact you and still expect you to have the item and sell it to em . and then  want the deposit back then threaten legal action and bombard you with solicitors letters  , its just not worth it

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