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Westfields at Bancroft Mill, Sunday 8th June, with Julian Turner, Westfield Sports Cars.

Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

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Mid "grilling"  :d 



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A great day out , Very pleasant and educational meeting with "the Boss" , discovered we had something in common with both our Grannies having been "Mill Girls" ( Mine having spent her entire working life at Trencherfields Mill in Wigan, ditto Julian's at Bancroft ) so now have bragging rights on that  :)


Excellent blatting around trough of bowland before the meeting with Julian  :)


Ta to all for organising and for the free cuppa  :)  :)  :)


BTW Trencherfields would have used Bancrofts engine as a starter motor  ;)

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A very pleasant and interesting day thought Julian was very honest and it looks like a lot going on behind the scenes with development to keep the Westfield name at the top of the Kit car/ sportscar scene..Bancroft Mill a fascinating place run by enthusiasts and we were made very welcome  :yes:  :yes: shame we didn't have a few more Westfield's there ..maybe next time ???  ???

On the downside I hit a real downpour on the way home  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:


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On the downside I hit a real downpour on the way home  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:


...said the person who is off on a proper sunshiney holiday today.

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