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Any doctors here?


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Yesterday after what seems an eternity looking I viewed and bought my first Westfield.

It's a SEW 1999 1.6 cvh. 200 miles done already but may need medical help as I fear I may be stuck with a permenant ear to ear grin!

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Sorry, no known cure.  However, you are about to go on a weight loss plan as upgradeitis, which is also incurable, helps you lose lots of pounds. ;)

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It's not a doctor you want, what you really need is to come and join the Manchester boys on one of our blats, also you could come to one of our monthly meetings at the Horton arms in Chadderton, just a short blat over the A627M for you. :t-up:

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I still consider myself to be a newbie despite having my car since early March - the grin won't go!  I got soaked last Sunday and was still grinning at the sheer lunacy of driving an open top car in a deluge of biblical proportions!

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Thanks Paul. I would love to come to meets but work commitments mean I can't make any weekday nights. Please let me know if there are any meets/ blasts on a weekend as I would be up for that.

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