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Scottish Borders run Sun 25th May


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From Neville Mackay.....Hi Everyone


We had a great trip to Eyemouth last month with 11 cars making the journey there and 11 making it back!


The next Borders Sevens event, which is again a joint event with the Westfield Club, takes place on Sunday 25 May. The event consists  of a run from Edinburgh down the A7 via Heriot to Innerleithen, and thence via the Megget Water road to Tweedsmuir, Moffat,  St Mary’s Loch  and Selkirk. We should then arrive in Ashkirk at about 1.30pm for the annual BBQ which takes place at my house. This is a great opportunity to chew the cud socially with the members of both groups, so even if you don’t fancy the blat please feel free to attend the BBQ, you will all be very welcome.


The meeting point is the Sherifhall Park and Ride in Edinburgh at 11, o’clock. If you would like to come on the run but would rather meet up at the Moffat  end of the route, please let me know and we can arrange separate rendezvous arrangements. And if you just want to come to the BBQ but don’t know where I live, please also  let me know and I will send you directions.


In order to get a feel for the numbers – which will assist greatly with the catering arrangements – it would be helpful if those intending to attend could let me know. Ditto for those with any special dietary requirements.


Gillian and I make no charge for the BBQ but we do pass a bucket around to collect for Hemi help, which is a charity which assists people with hemiplegia.


I do hope that as many of you as possible are able to come along and join in the fun. This is the fifth or sixth year that we have held the BBQ and it hasn’t rained yet!








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I'll be there - woohoo, my first run of 2014!! Details have also been posted on our FB page.

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Yes I will be there on the 25th and will see you at 11am for the run. I am veggie so not easy for a BBQ. The  A7 seems to have a few roadworks but not easy to avoid.

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Nev and his wife put on a very impressive spread to cater for most tastes .. veggies included ;-)

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Excellent; and a great route planned too. Can't wait.

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Me too Ist run for me too ,looking forward to it

See you all soon

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Me too Ist run for me too ,looking forward to it

See you all soon

Be good to see you old bean!
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Say hi to Neville for me and give him my apologies for missing it. All I need to do is get a car.... (although I'm away on Sunday anyway!)



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Be good to see you old bean!


Don't know about the rest of you but I'm proud to be in a club where we call each other 'old bean'  :t-up:  very civilized   :)


Have a good run and bbq  :cool:

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Bummer, missing this event again.

Away for the weekend.

Missing the Knockhill Friday and a good run on Sunday.

Roll on Applecross.

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where are we meeting first . Lizzy brice shell petrol station for 10 to leave 10.30.

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Planning to be there - but will wait around the start of the Meggett reservoir road above St Mary's loch, and join you from then on.

Looking forward to it.



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I'll be at the park'n'ride.

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