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TT Course

Rory's Dad

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it's like slow motion compared to the 2 wheeled nut jobs  

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We may be 2 wheeled nut jobs , but, ride the mountain and and the car 'buzz' will only ever come second.

Racing is life.....

Everything else is standing still.

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We may be 2 wheeled nut jobs , but, ride the mountain and and the car 'buzz' will only ever come second.

Racing is life.....

Everything else is standing still.

:t-up: It certainly puts it into perspective...

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:t-up: It certainly puts it into perspective...

First time I did it....also put a mark in my underwear.

Should be on every petrol heads bucket list.

My dad did the Island in the fifties....wanted to take him up the mountain this year at 82 but lost him in March. Mind you if we'd done it he would still be yelling at me to go faster......."what's the matter...are you scared of it....open the bl**** thing up"...

Sure he was louder than some of my bikes !

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First time I did it....also put a mark in my underwear.

Should be on every petrol heads bucket list.

My dad did the Island in the fifties....wanted to take him up the mountain this year at 82 but lost him in March. Mind you if we'd done it he would still be yelling at me to go faster......."what's the matter...are you scared of it....open the bl**dy thing up"...

Sure he was louder than some of my bikes !


I've cycled the full TT course a couple of times as well. And whilst you obviously don't get anywhere near the excitement speed wise (although back down the mountain heading back to Onchan is a pretty awesome buzz!), the cycle ride gives you time to *really* absorb the sheer, well, mentalness of it all. I'm amazed that in this day and age the TT is still allowed to be honest - but long may it continue...  

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I think a key difference will be that a bike can wiggle through the bends at top speed, a car, being so much wider, will have its work cut out

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The bikes are just awesome over on the island.


There was a WSCC round over there many years ago and cars were running through the town to get to the start on slicks. Before my time, but those who did it said it was fantastic.


Used to race bikes in the 70's but lack of cash stopped me. Probably a good thing as it meant I am still here   :d  :d  :d

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have done the tt course on bike about 11 times during tt weeks , done about 4 laps on mad sundays where on one lap I was going up the mountain taking it in my stride within my limits and a local guy came up the inside of me in a civic type r just as I was about to move over to the left and tip it into a bend at about 80-90 mph just then I cought his bonnet in my left eye and  managed to miss him , he was a total idiot and out of control one guy went pst him and punched his window , at that point my self preservation kicked in

would I do it again .................. yes


lovely island a must for everyone

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We were up on the mountain at TT2012 getting and early morning lap in and you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. it brought it home how local and track knowledge is king when we were burned off my a chap in a manx telecom van LOL

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:laugh:  :blush:  :oops:  Whoops.

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:laugh:  :blush:  :oops: 


No Dave.....whoops are on motox tracks..... Still two wheels but different lunatics.

On serious note....your new build looks amazing.

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Ta Graham. Be really interested to see more if you do go down the Ecoboost route, should be an interesting project!

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I'm sure there is a club member who lives on the island.  I cheekily asked him if he'd mind having some WSCC members camping in his garden for TT week and never got a reply  :laugh:  :laugh:

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Ta Graham. Be really interested to see more if you do go down the Ecoboost route, should be an interesting project!

Need to move with the times and Ecoboost seems great engine. Love the nostalgia and character of crossflow engines,had two as a kid, cortina 1600E and Mexico escort.......but that just shows how old the engine is ! Promised the wife I'd spend a couple of months working on the house, get that out of the way and I can start on the new engine.

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