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A Small Thanks To Calum Banks

Captain Colonial

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Dear Calum


To say you were terrific in every respect at Stoneleigh is an understatement - everyone in the club thanks you for your efforts, enthusiasm, wit and kindness.  Spending a long holiday weekend with a group of old petrolheads wouldn't be every teenager's idea of a great time, but you were amazing.  I'm also aware of the sacrifices you've made as a family, as your dad has been working very hard on the show for a long time beforehand, which must have made an impact on you all.


It's fair to say you've proven yourself above and beyond the call of duty in the great tradition of the WSCC, and we all want to buy you your first pint when you hit 18!


However, it occurred to me during the show that a bit of an injustice has been done to you, one which I am happy to correct today.  I am delighted to tell you that as of today, you are now an official Joint WSCC Member along with your dad, with your own forum account as well (if dad isn't afraid to let you use it so you can tell us what he's getting up to!).  You're part of our family now too - because you've earned it. :t-up:


And most importantly, you'll have a proper printed name badge next year as well. :yes:


Thanks buddy :)


All the best to our newest member,


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Well done Calum and to Mr Banks Senior


Bob :d  :d

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Well deserved!  Nice touch!   :yes:

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very nice gesture and well earned too

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Splendid guesture and well deserved

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Well done Calum, you deserve it.

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Well done Calum and well deserved, probably a good time to ask your dad for an SDV Starter Kit :d

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Thank you Scott for the membership and thank you to everyone else for the kind words.


It can be hard work helping out for the show, but I do enjoy it and hope to see you all next year.


Thank you again.  :d

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Although I couldn't make the show this year, I did help out last year and was very impressed by Calum's attitude and hard work then, you've got a good lad there Andy  :yes:



A well deserved treat, keep up the good work Calum  :t-up:



BTW Scott you'd best watch your back, I see a future Chairman in the making  :d

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I wish young Banksy would come and do a drawing on my gaff  :d  :d  :d   He's a very talented lad so it wouldn't surprise me if he is "Banksy"!!!

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