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Stoneleigh 2014 - Thank you from Andy

Andy Banks

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Huge thanks to everyone who pitched up to help Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The usual faces were there and you know who you are. We also had a good number of new faces which was excellent and I hope everyone felt included and kept busy.


Special thanks to those who gave over their cars on Monday for Hall 2 too.


Thanks also to the committee for their support this year.


For me, a number of AOs and Members put in extra effort. I won't embarrass you by naming you here, you know who you are and I'm grateful to you, saviours of my sanity.


I tried to get to speak to everyone to thank them personally, if I missed you my apologies and thank you.


So to everyone who helped or just stopped by to chat and offer words of encouragement...





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Back at you mate you did a cracking job, unfortunately I had to leave before I spoke with you but very well done all the same.


Bob :love:  :d  :d

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