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Well done Mr Banks... and team

John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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Tom and myself had a great time. Good to meet up with old friends and make new ones.

A big thanks to Andy a sterling job as ever. Told you it would be ok!!

Finally a big thanks to Callum, he is a little star. Hope his mum gets to read this, just to prove he has been very busy all weekend.

nic & Tom

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Yup - I'd also like to thank Callum who carried an old git through our responsibilities at the refreshment table - I enjoyed his company, attitude and enthusiasm - well done Andy (and his Mum too).

Thank you too Martin. Yep I guess Mum played a fairly significant role too.

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Home at last! Can only echo what a superb job Andy and his team did this weekend. Fantastic job and great to see so many Westfield owners over the weekend.

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Great effort guys.

I know Monday was quiet compared to Sunday, but the atmosphere in our tent was great, so much better than last year.

Great to hear from Scott that nearly 40 new members were signed up.

Well done to the team and everyone who turned up to support the club.

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I would like to say THANK YOU to Mr Banks (and team of course) for a brilliant event WELL DONE!


Cheers Panda

Of course you need to include yourself there - thank you John.

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Of course you need to include yourself there - thank you John.


All I did was turn up, and make you look good ;-)


Enjoyed it. Willing to lend a paw next year.


So put your feet up knowing you and Callum did a wonderful job and it starts again in 7 months time.



Panda McGee

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You can count me in too Andy If I can help you

With next year just let me know

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Happy to help man "support desk" next year!

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If it was anything like last years I'm sure the organisation was top notch.  Hopefully be able to make it along to next years.

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I am just relieved that I did not manage to poison anyone with the BBQ on the Saturday or Sunday night :)

Phew, might have to try harder next year!!

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The burgers were fine on Saturday Ian :t-up:

I was allowed to have one as a special treat, (I don't get burgers very often) :(

I could have ate another one, but the wife said I had to go back to the caravan and have some salad :down: she says it's good for me :rolleyes:

Guess who's not getting invited next year :laugh:

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Don't have burgers often. Ah, so that's why you look like a pencil :)

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40 new members .. fantastic news!

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of all the things to get invited back to the tent for by the wife - salad would have been a fair way down the list it has to be said :d;)

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Married for 42 years what do you expect ;)

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