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Well done Mr Banks... and team

John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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I would like to say THANK YOU to Mr Banks (and team of course) for a brilliant event WELL DONE!


Cheers Panda

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Seconded. What a stunning job Andy and team have done.

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Great job EVERYONE, really good atmosphere in the marquee yesterday, great to see you all. :d :D :d

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I'll echo everything complimentary about this, my second Stoneleigh.

Even Wendz enjoyed it.


Well done Andy.

:yes:  :yes:  :yes:

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Hear, hear to the Committee and helpers alike - THANK YOU!

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Sounds like you did a great job Andy

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Just got back from a fantastic couple of days.  Thanks Mr Banks and his helpers - really enjoyed it, and the name tags were a brilliant idea!

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Well done Andy

Now take a well earned day off tomorrow.

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+1 from me.  Couldn't stay very long due to family commitments but the Westfield club area was once again a triumph and easily the best there. 


I haven't made it to Stoneleigh since 2011 and was quite surprised how much it has diminished in scale, though.  Both inside and outside.  


Silliest moment of the day was overhearing a bloke with Vortex Sportscars written on his back calling the Tiger club area 'a fieldful of ugly cars'.  Well I certainly didn't see a fieldful of Vortexes.......

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Yep, could not agree more,


Very professional set up, and ran very smoothly


Well done everyone

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I'd like to add my thanks to the team for making my first trip to Stoneleigh an unforgettable one.


Met new people, forgotten most names, and picked up some very valuable tips for the future.





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Well done everyone - most impressed by the club marquee and all the cars there - great to see such a variety of solutions to the same "problems".


We even managed a trip down memory lane by seeing a couple of Dutton Sierra's (haven't we all come a long way since those days ? :blush: )


The best bit of the day? - my wife actually enjoyed it and we're going in the Westie next year :) :) :d :d :d

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And a vote from me to for all involved - excellent job!!


An ordinary member.

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Definitely credit due, well done team!

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My first visit to the show today. I was VERY impressed by our club stand and I'm told there were more cars yesterday! Nice to chat to Scott, Clark and Andrew inside the marquee along with Julian at Aerodynamix and the NMS guys. Hopefully next year I'll be there in my Westfield!

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