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The next big thing....

Norman Verona

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... with comms (internet and phones)


How about integration of emails with a scammers register. Record names, emails addys, phrases etc so when you get targeted it's easy to verify it's a scam.


How about the banks sending you simple details by text of any changes to your current account (or do some do this now?)


Finally, well finally from me, until I think of something else, is the final push for integrated phone, internet, storage, TV, radio. Probably just around the corner but I've been told that for the past 20 years.


Changing tack, how about a more integrated EU. Like common documents for all the everyday things. Like cars, credit cards. We have unified cars and white goods design, how about the same for buying and using them.

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Changing tack, how about a more integrated EU. Like common documents for all the everyday things. Like cars, credit cards. We have unified cars and white goods design, how about the same for buying and using them.

I don't think the EU bureaucrat turkeys would ever vote in favour of a Christmas for the proles...

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how about a baseball cap that has holders for beer and straws

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Because Cleggy, once the siphon gets going you have to drink both bottles in one go. And your mates will load up said hat with Carlsberg in one side and Reef in the other and it'll makes you sick outside Wetherspoons and the bouncers won't let you back in so you have to go round a friend's house, covered in sick to watch their telly while waiting for everyone to get back from Wetherspoons to ridicule you for being sick in front of a large pub window with a cheering crowd behind it ... allegedly!



How's about a shower gel I can brush my teeth with? One less bottle in the bathroom would be sweet. 


How's about a self cleaning bum'ole?


How's about with the vote on these disgusting pictures on fag packets coming through, buying a million cheap silicone sleeves from China to cover them up with a cool picture of a snake in sunglasses smoking on a Harley? I could sell them from ice cream vans at school gates and make a fortune.

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how about a baseball cap that has holders for beer and straws

How about a baseball cap that stays on your head above 60mph in a westy !
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Surely baseball caps are for people playing baseball...........and chavs ....

Why would anyone attempt or want to be seen wearing one in an open top sportscar ?????

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matt - I have just bought a WW2 American  helmet to wear in mine - I shall be sporting it at Stoneleigh :-0 

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