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Hi all,

Picking up my first Westfield tomorrow, a megabusa, if all goes to plan, hopefully won't get too wet!!

I've previously built a GTM Libra and decided I need a bit of a change!

The megabusa I'm buying is a nicely built blue 57 reg with fw rear end, pretty much a standard megabusa build, bodywork a little untidy and reverse box leaking, but still solid. Plenty for me to get stuck into!!



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Welcome Greg, sounds like it should be fun, and in the best colour too!  ;)  :d 

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Greg - Welcome - I was in yeovil Satirday with my car - hope your drive home goes well  :yes:

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Hi Greg,


I love the GTM - will be interesting to hear your views on the difference !! (I prefer the coupe version) - does anyone know if Westfield are ever going to start production again (suppose they may be struggling with Metro donors and K series engines lasting long enough  :d  :d )


Welcome to the world of Westfields though.... 

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I've added a quick photo, no problems on the drive back to mine today and even had some sun!

The GTM is a great car, I just couldn't help feeling driving it was just like driving a normal car, hence why I've now gone for the opposite, a megabusa, it couldn't be any more difference!

For many years now westfield have said they will start selling a westfield GTM using a space frame chassis using same doner parts as westfields and dressing it in the gtm body, but I think it is low on their list of priorities, I don't think it will ever happen!

I'm looking forward to tidying up my new megabusa plenty of things to get stuck into!!

Many members from the south west area?

Not sure if I will venture to stoneleigh this year will be the first time I've not been for many years, I really should so I can copy some ideas from other westfields :)


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Hi and welcome :)


Looks like a great car :t-up:



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Interior is a little grubby I need to remove seats and give interior panels a clean/refresh and tunnel cover panels need replacing really, that will be the next job after sorting the reverse box leak

Might have to add some carbon fibre too!!

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Greg, Dorset meet is tonight at 20:00 at the Brewer's Arms in Martinstown just outside of Dorchester. I'll be heading off down the A37 at 19:45 ish, slightly late as I have to drop my daughter off in West Coker for 19:30. Weather not looking too good at the moment but hope to be in an orange on black FW.

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