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stuff and nonsense part 1.

Norman Verona

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Settled down to watch the football last night and just as the Man U game finished the power went off. Waited a few minutes for it to come back on but nothing. It was raining heavily and almost total darkness.


So, I got a coat on and ventured into the very wet and dark outside to see if the main isolator had tripped at the incoming meter box.


It had and the house lights came on when I pushed the bar up. Great. Except they went off again within 5 minutes. It was now gone midnight here so, with a torch each we went to bed. Laying in bed whispering sweet nothings in the dark I said I thought the electric blankets were really good as I was so warm. "We don't have electric blankets". "No, and we don't have electricity either"


This morning I opened my eyes at 0630, first light, and noticed something on the lower frame of the Velox. I got up to pay a visit and shone the torch on the object. 


Oh dear, it was Shelob. No, really it was. about 2 cm long with a huge body and head and all black. Short legs finished the beastie off.


Now, let me tell you I'm terrified of spiders, even more than my fear of HM. I suspect my fear comes from my mother who would grab them and wave them in my face, very close to be up my nose sort of thing, chanting "It's only a spider, it won't hurt you". This is probably my earliest memory when I was 4 or 5. She had some terrible habits. If she had some food she would pick some up in her fingers and try and stuff it in your mouth without warning or you knowing what she was trying to stuff you with. It only got worse and as this is not the shrinks couch I won't go on about it other than to say we never got on. Suffice to say that I'll never know if she was evil or stupid. Stupid is winning at the moment.


I got back into bed and was laying there watching Shelob. Then I must have closed my eyes as when I looked again it was gone. But where? I've had a good look round and cannot find her (Shelob is female).


OK, not to worry (oh yeah, not to worry where Shelob is hiding, she could rise up and attack me in my bed any night now. I'll sleep in my coffin for the next few days). Got dresses, and came down. Donned a jacket and fishermans hat and ventured up the lane. The trip was duly reset and I even gave it a few on/offs (with 30 seconds between) to ensure we had a clean contact. If this one is faulty it will be the third in 2 years, the last only a few months ago. It's now been OK for two and a half hours so It looks OK.


I did try and phone the repair centre for EDF but having negotiated the first 3 steps I got stuck when it asked me for my client number but wouldn't take it as correct.


I'll speak to the English speaking centre in the morning.



Lets see what part two brings.

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I like spiders, mainly because they are harmless and eat all the other nasty insects.

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Norm, I'm not to sure what type of trip you're referring to or what sort of system you run over there, but if it's a RCD (earth trip) type of thingy and you're having regular problems, id suggest you may have a more detailed problem.

Good quality trip mechanisms are pretty reliable and faulty units are uncommon.

.... Just a thought.

As for the spider.... Man up, 'ya big girls blouse ;-)

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Those spiders in France are not to be messed with....

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Darrel, how are you. Did you get your van at the right price?


EDF must use really cheap and nasty trips. The first time it went off they came out and just changed it, didn't test anything just fitted a new one. Same the second time, about 2 months ago. He drove in, opened the back of the van, took out a new one and fitted it. He then boxed the old one, put it away and left.


On the last time we were having a lot of heavy rain and I thought the meter box (big grey thing on the concrete post where the 3 phase cables come down) was getting damp. There is a lot of Ivy and other vegetation up the post so I removed the cover and cut back all the tendrils creeping into the  box. There was no sign of damp and it didn't help.



Spiders. I will not kill them but HM has this contraption for getting them in a little plastic box with a slide cover and we put them outside.


I have no fear of animals, I've been "attacked" by dogs and just punch them on the nose and quieten them down. I've no fear of humans, if they want to fight, I'll oblige, if pushed. Never lost yet.


But with a mother who waggled them in your face when you were 5 onwards I suppose I need a shrink to cure me of this phobia.

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