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A plan insurance


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Got to be honest, I've just spoken to them about insurance for the westfield, very very helpful and freindly guy on the end of the phone, who knew about cars too, not just some mindless loon following a script in a call centre. Think my age / postcode / current car helped, but just over 150 quid a year, with commuting and the missus on the insurance too. Limited to 5000 miles, but the car is a 2001 that's only done 10K so far, so I'm sure it'll be under that!!!

Very very please - also discussed a sensible 3rd car and what can be done with NCB. Annoyingly, very very reasonable folks who understand what I'm trying to do and work with, rather than against you!!!


10/10. Can't fault. Fingers crossed I never have to claim :)

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I've just had to claim for a windscreen. Very happy to report they deal with that side very well too.

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Just renewed with Flux for £112 including agreed valuation.....expensive for my bikes but Westie and Porsche seem really good value ?

Most of you seem to use A Plan....no mention of Flux...Have they got a bad reputation in the specialist car world ??

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I've heard horror stories of Flux and claims in the past, although personally, I've never ever claimed so not sure how much of the rumours are fact or not

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Just what I didn't want to hear !

What's that saying ??

If something seems too good to be true.....it probably is.

Thanks for your reply.

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For the first 8 years of ownership I had Adrian Flux and just renewed each year as it went up and up and up.


Then I had a big engine upgrade and was approaching the 3000 limit - fast (in every sense)


So I rang AF to increase the limit. I got shouted and and verbally abused. I was warned that as I had gone over the limit the policy was null and void. Eventually I did get a price for 7500 miles - double the premium.


So I did a search on BC and rang Dave at MSM. What a difference. Polite, helpful, knowledgeable, all the right questions and a premium at half the 3000 AF were charging for 7500 miles pa.


I never had a claim as such but did breakdown (clutch broken) in the middle of France. The underwriters had not continued the Europe cover as the car was now over 15 years old so Dave organised cover with the RAC. When I rang the RAC they said I wasn't covered. A call to MSM and the girls got to work. Turned out the RAC rep hadn't been to the office for 3 weeks and had all the paperwork (and cheques) in his bag. Once sorted the recover camion was there in 15 minutes.


One other thing is AF's number is a premium number and the system is programmed to keep you on hold to rack up the kickback in call charges.

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Hello again Norm.....

Hope I haven't dropped a googlie....

Staff seem very helpful,but, I do have 6 motor policies with them. Most come up for renewal at the same time and they have been inflexible re discount for so many policies. I have a free phone number and call/department transfers have been very quick.

Let's hope I don't have to make a claim or alter my limit mileage policies !

I will contact them about the bad vibes I'm getting but,they have me & SWMBOs money......so I think I've made my bed & I'll have to lay in it.

Good to talk again.....hope you are both well.

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Graham my seperated at birth brother! LOL


I used Adrian Flux for many years with my AC as they were the only ones who would touch anybody at the younger end of the scale with a kit (didnt know about A plan at the time)


I never had any issues with them really good company to deal with but as budslater says you get the feeling your dealing with enthusiasts at A plan!


Im now with A plan and have been last two years, however this year they were the same price at both. The only difference for me was they could carry my NCB on at A plan which suited me more!


Scott (Former biker and ex racer graham worshiper LOL)

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Good to talk again.......and glad you had no bad experiences wit them.

Now officially retired from racing....can't keep up with my son now so just a spanner man ! Just got three more bikes and suggested that classic racing would suit me more...age and weight gains.......but wife has almost convinced me to hang up the race leathers.

Did go for a mad thrash on a bike Sunday morning though........beautiful twisty road,no traffic and plenty of run-off (rapeseed fields) just in case you needed it....and I nearly did !

It's just in you INNIT ???

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My experience with AF was over 10 years ago so they may have changed (or rather the staff have).

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