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Email Host

Doug Dastardly

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Morning All,


As some of you may recall I have a rubbish broadband service. BT has now confirmed that they cannot provide a stable connection and, after trying mobile, I have ordered satellite broadband. It's much more expensive but should be fast so I'm looking forward to that.


I use a domain name so that's one less hassle, but at the moment it forwards email to the address provided by my ISP. The new satellite service does not provide an address so I will need to sign up with a free provider like Hotmail.


Has anyone any recommendations, or 'stay away from' comments, or does it even matter?





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Gmail - it will also collect your forwarded messages and let you reply to them from your domain address, plus masses of storage, and the ability to easily access emails anywhere you can get an Internet signal   Also great for automatically managing and syncing your emails and contacts between devices.  Some hate it, but I find it excellent for my own needs.


Tried Hotmail and hated it, seemed particularly prone to fits of non-service and having had loads of bad experience with Outlook (which I still have to use anyway). my tolerance levels for the format are not very high, so I'm a bit anti via personal experience.

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Thanks Scott.


I should maybe have added that I use live mail to actually read stuff.


Her indoors uses gmail but recently found that it deletes stuff after 3 months, which would not always be suitable. Although as I use live mail it would be downloaded and stored on that.

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Her indoors uses gmail but recently found that it deletes stuff after 3 months, which would not always be suitable. Although as I use live mail it would be downloaded and stored on that.


That must be an automatic clean up setting or similar as I've got emails in my gmail account from 5 years ago!

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That must be an automatic clean up setting or similar as I've got emails in my gmail account from 5 years ago!


Same here - even if you accidentally delete it, you have 30 days to get it back.

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I've been reading up on gmail and (maybe I'm just naïve) I don't like the sound of google searching my emails so they can target advertising! Even if it doesn't really matter, I just don't like it on principle.


Maybe this is just how modern life works, do they all do that?

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I set up mine with 1&1 over 15 years ago and have never had cause for complaint.

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I had web hosting with 1&1. I was restricted to x number of pages and needed more for the rebuild blog. I had the early Unix system which had been replaced by a windows system. Their support recommended I upgrade to t package. I pointed out that was for the new system and would work on my older system. "No, it's OK, it'll work".


It didn't. I requested it be removed and my money refunded - I asked for a year. I had gone to paying about £20 pa to over £100.


So I cancelled all the domains and moved them to UK1. 1&1 were se restrictive in the move that it took best part of three months. I emailed them to say that I had cancelled all but one which woudl accept the cancellation.


About three months after all was transferred I got a bill for the remaining domain. I responded that I wouldn't pay and invited them to recover via the county court where I would counter claim the several hundred pounds I'd paid based on incorrect advice. 


There requests continued for a while and got more threatening. I ignored them hoping they would sue but they didn't.


I've been more than happy with UK1. The prices aren't outrageous and the service is faultless. I have our own web server so only use them for email and domain names.

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Google and Yahoo both scan emails to target advertising. Microsoft look like they 'can' based on their terms and conditions but don't currently. I think their 'scroogled' campaign has ended now though, so I supposed nothing is guaranteed there.

They all get scanned automatically for checking if it's spam or the like, so if you're accessing your emails from a program like windows live mail it really makes no difference if they've been scanned for ads, seeing as they can't show an ad to you anyway.

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Actually, you can have quite good fun with that scanning for ads.  I have two friends who like to email each other and fill them with key words that trigger ads for products or services they don't want or need.  So they'll type in words in their conversations like transgender, thrush, syphillus, nappy, etc. just to make the others life a misery for comic effect.


Even worse are two others I know in the States who are frequent fliers and do something similar but far more stupid and dangerous they call Homeland Security Roulette.  A few days before one of them travels, the other will send him emails and text messages with things like "Last nights's episode of the Big Bang Theory was dynamite, enjoy your flight." or "Are you picking up a C4 in France?", or "Stay calm and stick to the plan, they never look for the stuff there - Allah ackbar!", knowing government security software examines all emails and texts looking for key words.  They have both noticed a sharp rise in number of times they've been given extra intense searches.  They do it just to inconvenience each other, and they both now get to the airport 30 minutes earlier thn before.  It will end in tears one day, really daft thing to do.

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Thanks for all the feedback.


I'm not sure I actually need a new host. I just thought I should keep things the same as they would have been set up that way for a reason. But in fact I think I can just get windows live mail to download stuff direct from my domain host.


No point in adding an extra step if I don't need to. Not sure why the IT guy (is that different to an it girl?) set things up that way originally though?


Thanks all.


P.S. nobody pm me with dodgy words please - I can live without being strip searched next time I fly :d 

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I had web hosting with 1&1. I was restricted to x number of pages and needed more for the rebuild blog. I had the early Unix system which had been replaced by a windows system. Their support recommended I upgrade to t package. I pointed out that was for the new system and would work on my older system. "No, it's OK, it'll work".


It didn't. I requested it be removed and my money refunded - I asked for a year. I had gone to paying about £20 pa to over £100.


So I cancelled all the domains and moved them to UK1. 1&1 were se restrictive in the move that it took best part of three months. I emailed them to say that I had cancelled all but one which woudl accept the cancellation.


About three months after all was transferred I got a bill for the remaining domain. I responded that I wouldn't pay and invited them to recover via the county court where I would counter claim the several hundred pounds I'd paid based on incorrect advice. 


There requests continued for a while and got more threatening. I ignored them hoping they would sue but they didn't.


You'll always be able to find a negative experience for any company.


I have quite a few domains with them and have never had a major issue: the few that I have cancelled have been processed without any issues at all.

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