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E petition on the plan to reduce speed limits for air quality

jeff oakley

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Hi All,

I don't normally push these, however I feel that this is really important. The EU have set an air quality measure for all countries to abide by, as usual we are following this slavishly whilst Germany have just opened three new coal powered power stations using the dirtiest coal there is.

So for the UK the tree huggers and bureaucrats have come up with the solution to the problem by forcing major sections of the motorways to be reduced in speed through to day to 50 or 60MPH.

This is the start of the wholesale reduction of speed limits through the back door. The lobby groups have lost the argument on safety, hence the proposal last year to raise it to 80mph was going to happen, but now they are doing this and achieving the same. As the petition says business will suffer as well as normal people as these will be enforced by cameras. If we make this important enough with our MP's they may stop this madness.


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Jeff, I agree but doubt any MP will. They are all career MP's now so do what they are told. 


We're always complaining about the EU legislation but fail to understand that everyone else only implements what is good for them and ignores the rest. When are we going to wake up.

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This is daft.  The air in Derbyshire is already clean.  Its the thin end of the wedge



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Funny how the powers that be blame the air quality on MOVING traffic, nothing to do with all the traffic stood at roadworks or gridlocked on inadequate roads. :down:  :down:

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Excuse me, but how does reducing speed decrease air pollution? This is most retarded thing i've heard this year!!!!


Last time I looked, both my cars had gears.........


My barge does 30mpg when it's forced to bimble along at 40, but wind it up to 60 and it'll happily return 38-40mpg and then get it upto 70 on a motorway and i'll cruise for miles at 45+mpg.


It's basically a bunch of under-confident pathetic 42mph (everywhere) drivers, trying to stop themselves looking like the guilty party when they have those 6 miles tailbacks behind them.

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Hope you don't mind, I have copied first post to another forum

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