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Birmingham Motorists...


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I went to Birmingham last week and the driving there was terrible… got cut up twice!!


While witnessing such awful driving it made me think - I really miss guest and his tales of RTA's and pedestrian crossing carnage.


Hope he's getting on well in the Channel Islands.



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Its the visitors that cause the problems, especially those from Nothants. 

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Try the M6 at 7am or 5:30pm, I only do one junction and that's enough, usually meet at least 1 idiot within a 5mile stretch every day! I often think it's only a matter of time… defensive driving a must!!!!

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It's terrible over Birmingham way, nobody follows the road marking and I swear most drivers in that area got someone else to sit their driving test for them.


The A4540 to Aston express way is one of the worst bits.


From the west, heading toward Sutton Coldfield.....




Lane 1 is for Aston road.

Lane 2 is for Aston Express way to Cutton Coldfield.

Lane 3 is straight on and right turn.


Really simple right? it's on all the signs and on the road markings.....


But no, you take the middle lane for Aston express way and EVERY SINGLE TIME, some numpty will cut you up by going straight on from lane 1!! :(


I'm so glad I don't have to do anywhere near Birmingham on my daily commute.

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I guess living close to B'ham and therefore driving there too often you get used to the driving standards, the plus point to this is when I drive in places where the standards are totally different e.g. Turkey getting used to it is quicker.

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I was in Solihull last week, its a free for all.

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I guess living close to B'ham and therefore driving there too often you get used to the driving standards, the plus point to this is when I drive in places where the standards are totally different e.g. Turkey getting used to it is quicker.


I find in other countries, that the standard of driving is generally worse (terrible) BUT the level of aggression is usually much lower. Overtaking is seen as normal, so you don't get people flashing their lights, trying to accelerate, trying to ram you off the road or chasing you down the road afterwards and they also seem to know how to use their lights in adverse weather conditions, unlike your average driver over here.

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You get used to being cut up on every road. No good for road rage though. I drive to Brum every day, and now I take a scenic country route for the most part of the journey. It doesn't take any longer, is about 2mpg less efficient, but it's worth it for my sanity.

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Although brummy,i dont like bham but its no worse than any other city

I do 50 k plus a year and the idiots are evenly spead

My particular favourite is 4.30am M40 lorry drivers spending most of their time on the hard shoulder

The amount of times ive seen the remains of a breakdown scattered across the carriageway

is scary

People,especially youngsters,have little regard for others generally and it naturally includes their driving habits

Anyway,off down the M40 now - lets see what today brings

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Watched a docu last night about driving test frauds , apparently its rife , people using others ID 's to get licence for them , using bluetooth phone for outside help on tests . corrupt examiners taking bribes  etc etc . 


Has to be a contributary factor towards rta's 

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Watched a docu last night about driving test frauds , apparently its rife , people using others ID 's to get licence for them , using bluetooth phone for outside help on tests . corrupt examiners taking bribes  etc etc . 


Has to be a contributary factor towards rta's 



Yes, but it's largely immigrants that are doing it, so the govt/law will simply turn a blind eye.

Firstly because they hate being called racist and secondly because having a licence at least means they'll be making an effort to get tax/insurance/etc.

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Yes, but it's largely immigrants that are doing it, so the govt/law will simply turn a blind eye.

Firstly because they hate being called racist and secondly because having a licence at least means they'll be making an effort to get tax/insurance/etc.

Not at all ,   the programme was focused on apprehending the criminals who flount the law and I  dont see how they can be called racist for prosecuting criminals whatever colour there skin might be  :)

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Not at all , the programme was focused on apprehending the criminals who flount the law and I dont see how they can be called racist for prosecuting criminals whatever colour there skin might be :)

Agreed - but if the majority of prosecutions are on immigrants then they will be :(

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