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One for the watch buffs

Captain Colonial

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I really love the simplicity and style of this watch designed for the visually impaired.  So simple yet elegant.  It's going on sale soon at $195 in the US and hopefully Europe later this year.




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I think I want one... :love::cool:

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I like that a lot.

Inspiring video too

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I can't open the links at the mo, but I am guessing this is the Bradley timepiece. Ive been trying to get hold of one for while since hearing him talk about it on Radio 4.

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Yep Ade, that's the one. :)

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Adrian, it shows on the US website that shipment date 30th May 2014 and you can pre-order one with $80 discount ($195 instead of normal price of $275)

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For anyone interested, I just filled out an order with my details and it adds $12.50 shipping to UK and $39 in taxes so $246.50 in total (discounted pre-order price)


I think I might ask ex-SWMBO to pay for one in the US (it only adds $6.50 for shipping) and then bring it over on her next trip back to the UK :rolleyes:

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