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Shamelessly lifted from Facebook/Locostbuilders: http://www.rhein-zeitung.de/region/lokales/westerwald_artikel,-Spektakulaerer-Unfall-Lotus-Roadster-unter-Schutzplanke-gedrueckt-_arid,1132537.html




For those not up to scratch with German, the driver got taken to hospital with minor injuries...  if it were a RHD one, it would have been a different story  :o

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OMG thats horrible

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Brown pants just looking at that one! :(

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Very nasty. Makes me consider a full cage for mine.

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Not good.. he was very lucky to come away with minor scratch's.

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Same thing happened in Telford a few years back - TVR racing a Scooby went straight on at roundabout - went under the Armco. Sadly, the driver was killed instantly by decaptitation . Horrible.

Let's be careful out there!!

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