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London Aventador crash


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a westfeild who'd have got thought that gap 

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he was sitting on the wrong side of the car ….. nice red trousers though :-) 

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I blame the "stealth black" paint job.  This is why Westfields should be a bright colour, like Yellow :)

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Someone of you must have seen this already as it has had 3.6m views! The road is a 30 and I suspect Mr Lamborghini may have been going a little faster prior to impact. Not sure how the Mazda would have missed it though.


I suspect he might have been too....





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I blame the "stealth black" paint job. This is why Westfields should be a bright colour, like Yellow :)

Other than in Birmingham where that's proven not to work lol

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I don't know how many matt black ones there are in London, i suspect not too many, but if this is the one i've seen in other you tube vid's he's infamous for showing off and racing around busy streets.

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Dear Mods, please remove the swear filter on this topic only so we may express our sympathies to the driver properly! :p  dangler!

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What a Plum! Good to see person walk to Lambo say ' are you ok? first' rather than 'what the **** do you think you were doing???'

Good ol British attitude that! Wonder if they offered em a cuppa tea too?

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An old workmate of mine was given to driving skilfully but quite fast and he had people pull out on him causing a collision on several occasions. They said, almost to a man/woman that they had seen him in the distance but thought they had time to get out of his way. Obviously they misjudged his speed because it was atypical of the speeds usually encountered on the particular road(s). This looks just like one of these events. 

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It doesn't actually look like he was going that fast. The car sounds more dramatic than it's visual speed implies. Regardless, I have people pull out on me all the time that can't judge the speed of approaching cars.

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It doesn't actually look like he was going that fast. The car sounds more dramatic than it's visual speed implies. Regardless, I have people pull out on me all the time that can't judge the speed of approaching cars.

You don't need to see the car travelling to know he was going fast. Whilst it's true that the car pulling out was turning away, it was still impacted enough to push it around further. Plus the speed was enough to lift the Lambo and look at the distance the car continued to travel...

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An old workmate of mine was given to driving skilfully but quite fast and he had people pull out on him causing a collision on several occasions. They said, almost to a man/woman that they had seen him in the distance but thought they had time to get out of his way. Obviously they misjudged his speed because it was atypical of the speeds usually encountered on the particular road(s). This looks just like one of these events. 

I ride motorcycle and this is the most dangerous feature about bikes, regardless of your speed, people are gonna pull out in front. There's even an acronym for it, SMIDSY. That's Sorry Mate I Didn't See You.  And of course we have an acronym for the defensive side, ATGATT for All The Gear All The Time. For you non-bikers, that's armored riding gear.

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