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Put too much air in my tyres and it's cost me  a small fortune, I checked my air pressure using a cheap gauge prior to going on trip to Devon a few weeks ago and they were on 18 psi  (town use) so I thought I would add a little and take them up to 22 psi for motorway driving speeds, got back and checked the car to find 2 sad looking tyres. Checked the pressures using a new digital gauge I bought from Halfords to find they were at 29psi not 22. Won't be doing that again, live and learn springs to mind. Feel better for the moan though.


Happy driving all.


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Ouch, that hurts. :(


You're lucky though, could have been worse.  Had a Vauxhall serviced at a dealer many years ago who for some reason idiotically pumped up all the tyres to 45psi, a fact I only found out ten miles later when I stopped in the wet and aquaplaned straight into Fiesta in front of me (no ABS then), about £5,000 in damages.  Went back to complain to dealer who denied all knowledge, of course.  Wrote to Vauxhall and Trading Standards, no joy, I couldn't prove I didn't go straight to the nearest petrol station and do it myself (as if). NCD lost, £250 excess to pay - not a happy bunny.  Needless to say, I never had another Vauxhall and I check my cars every time I have them serviced.


So at least you didn't have a bump. :yes:

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Years ago when my brother first past his test, we were heading off in convoy (of 2) to his friend's dan sarf. He had a very slow air loss from one of his tyres. Before we headed off, we stopped at our local petrol station to get fuel, check fluids, tyres, etc and he went off to check his tyre pressures. (This was at a time when some garages were starting to charge 20p for air and others were still providing FOC). Couple of minutes passed and I went over to see how he was getting on... 


ME: "How you getting on?"

HIM: "Great!" he said smiling. "The air is free here [we're Scottish] so I'm going to blow my slow puncture right up to about 40 or 50!"

ME: "EEK!" :laugh:  :cry:  :laugh:

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Every time I have some new tyres put on the Westfield I tell them to stick 18psi in. "Yes Ma'am" they say. Every time I drive away there is at least 30psi inside. Can tell straight away, so I take a gauge with me and drop them down to a sensible pressure once I've gone round the corner out of sight.  Wondered if it was one of those ignoring what the girly is saying things, but maybe not.



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They sometimes do these things to girlies don't they Jen, my wife put her car in for a service at a local garage near to us, I looked at the bill and the bits they said they had changed, plugs, air filter, oil filter, and so on, call me cynical but it looked like they had not touched it, there was dust all over the engine and I could tell nothing had been taken off because there were no tell tale signs. So me being very cynical looked even harder and guess what I was right!! so back to the garage to confront them and show them the old bits still on the car, plugs, filter, old dirty oil. They tried to blame a new guy. I had it put right there and then for free after losing my temper (which is very rare for me) not implying all garages are like that but it pays to look.


Happy driving Jen



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Seen similar things with wife's car when they tell her what's needed and how much!!!!!

Found a nice local sole trader garage now :)

I think men get treated differently too if they look like they have never seen a spanner in there life, some garages can smell it at 100 yards !!!!!

I always check my pressures it's force of habit for them 30psi every time

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I bet this goes on all the time Andy, one of the reasons I won't leave my Westy with any of them and do it all myself, plus it saves a small fortune.

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I have the ultimate cure for the main stealers......erm i meant dealers..... I have a mate who works for trading standards..... he let me have 20 of his cards...... they sit in the center console right where you'd expect them to be...... I always seem to have a complimentary valet and don't get charged for some of the "sundries"..... just saying.....

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