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Pothole reporting


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Anyone know a decent site for reporting potholes other than the local council site? I don't trust the lazy wasters in charge in Liverpool to not "lose" any complaints

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It's not Scotland road is it ?

My car nearly fell off the trailer last time I followed the sat nav to Aintree !!!!!!!

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Try this one : https://www.gov.uk/report-pothole   , we just had one fixed near our unit , I reported it and too eight weeks to get it filled in , was only round a drain cover , was coned off in the mean time until, it was repaired . 

I reported another bunch of potholes too , recently to the local council - who initially refused to give me a reference number as they don't use them , when I said I worked for a certain Agency which I do on occasion , they immediately gave me the reference number and called me sir !!

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The whole if Liverpool is one giant pothole. You can't really call the grey things roads around here.

Tbf on the council I did report one through their site ... I reported the whole road and they did come and fill some of them in within a week but all they did was patch a patch next to a patch. That particular road needs ripping up and redoing. The focus this time are the ones that are trenches across the road that the workmen didn't even attempt to fill properly they must be nearly 1m across and 5cm deep and span the whole road.

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I use FixMyStreet - seems to get them fixed surprisingly quickly (and helps others make a claim if the Council ignore them).

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Good stuff.  Where I am, the number of potholes is going down as they join up.


But they expect a postcode.  As if I even know the street name!

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My Local Council used have a "Pothole Line" for reporting, seems it was too well used and the Council have now shut it down because of the volume of calls.

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When I was objecting to a whole raft of speed limit reductions in South Glos, a retired highways engineer told me that the councils were reducing the limits because if they do the requirement for the road repairs is much less. So an NSL has to be inspected much more frequently than a 40mph and the time limit to repair is measured by a calendar.

Around here the roads look like they have been carpet bombed and they spend time and effort deniying any claim rather than fixing them.

I do blame the councils for the lack of control on the utilities. Again we had a road in South Glos which was resurfaced well, only to be dug up by the water board, who did such a shoddy repair that now it is like driving over a cobbled street. If the  engineer did their jobs right they would have them back out to do a proper job at no cost to the rate payer, how hard can it be?

As motorists we need to keep complaining to the council and the department of transport. The more their in boxes are filled with complaints the more likely they will do something.

The greenies have been very successful at lobbying for their views to be at the top of every agenda going. we are no where.

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jeff your right i think. there are 6 i want to report and all are trenches from a utility co that have sunk. one they didnt even bother putting a surface on. they just filled it with concrete and sort of leveled it off. its a disgrace.


the council are happy to spend money shutting the roads off for "events" or putting speed bumps in but they wont do anything to maintain the roads at all. i guess ill just have to go back to swerving around them like im p********.

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