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What's wrong with people?!


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Not going to get on my soapbox on this one it could get messy.


Bob :d

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SWMBO just called me in tears... a 30 minute shop at Sainsburys and this is the result of some inconsiderate ****. No note (of course), no witnesses (of course) and no cameras (of course). When did we stop doing the decent things?

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Same thing happened to my grandson's car at a Sainsburys, but on the near side with a fully loaded shopping trolley.


(If it was at Aldi, I could understand.)


I was parked at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford years ago, and when the performance was over, I was on hand when some gentrified and monied nitwit in his mid-50s went down the side of my A4 with the front bumper of his Jeep Grand Cherokee.  I had to chase him down on foot and jump in front of his car to get him to stop, and even when presented with the evidence, he wouldn't believe it until three other witnesses came forward.  Then as he (finally) was writing out his details, he decided to put his boot on the painted bumper of my car so he could lean on his knee and scratched the paintwork, which I immediately pointed out and charged him for that as well.  He was a total PITA about cooperating and paying up as well, over £1,000 in damages.


Generally speaking, people are good, kind, thoughtful and considerate.


But as a species, we find it easier to remember the ones who behave like unreasonable, thoughtless and selfish idiots.

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The problem is Scott the a******** are outnumbering the decent ones these days. We have allowed it with the nanny state and spoiling the kids etc, the have it now generation, soon or eventually to be raping there own pensions and be on some other benefit cos the poor silly people didn't know any better. But then again who are the soft ones, I know which side I want to be on.


Bob :d

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Just like to point point out that no one owns the road outside their house. If another vehicle is parked there and it is legally allowed on the road, then whilst it may be inconvenient to the person whose house it may be parked outside of, its just hard luck.

Entering someone else's vehicle without permission and towing it away is theft, keying it is criminal damage etc.

Sadly it will only get worse as we are all jammed into a smaller and smaller space, and people will only get more and more protective over the little bit of ground that they own and think they own!

Just my opinion of course. :)

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Just like to point point out that no one owns the road outside their house. If another vehicle is parked there and it is legally allowed on the road, then whilst it may be inconvenient to the person whose house it may be parked outside of, its just hard luck.

Entering someone else's vehicle without permission and towing it away is theft


True.  It does help when your wife is registered disabled with a blue badge and have an understanding local bobby that knows how to open up an old car without damage and assist you in moving the car, which I failed to make clear - my apologies.  A fortnight with her having to walk that far every day there and back was just not an option.


It's such an issue around here that I tried vey hard to get the council to make it permit only parking, whatever the permit cost would be because people would pay it, but they wouldn't budge. Couldn't even get a disabled only space painted.  Hence I do get very defensive and possessive to make sure Lady MemSec doesn't suffer.

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Did not think the reply to my post would take very long  ???

I agree, my wife was also registered disabled with a blue badge and it is annoying when someone has taken a space that makes someone else's life that bit easier and i fully understand that you become defensive in her interest.

That said, you do not need permit parking where you are, as you have a blue badge which enables you to basically park where you like. I understand that you can pay for a disabled spot outside your house yourself, you may want to try this.

Why should the rest of the neighbours have to fork out to pay to park outside their houses because sadly your wife is disabled.

When i was in the same situation that you are in stop in the middle of the road to let her out and then park up the road its a lot easier and quicker than pushing a car into another street..

Why did the police allow you to push the car to another street,surely your street was not completely full.

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You misunderstand - if you read my original post, the street is single or double yellow lined with highly restricted parking times in street.  The whole street wanted permit parking on the verges in front of their houses, not just me, to stop the people working across the street or selling cars taking the only available spaces we all have.  The disabled spot was a back-up plan if we (everyone in the whole street) couldn't get permit parking, so fail on both fronts. :(. Frustrating as the council agreed to do it a few streets up, but claim it would be too costly.


She has her own car with disabled controls so she doesn't have to wait for me to get home after work to have a life.

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Some years ago I lived in a busy Village with parking problems and although I had a garage I finally convinced the Council to permit me parking at the rear of my property resulting in a  £50 pa fee for a 3 year agreement as the new driveway passed over their grass verge. The property sold recently and I met an old neighbour who mention my old house had sold after 2 years on the market, the main sales deterrent  being the council access charge of £1250.00pa !!!!

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You misunderstand - if you read my original post, the street is single or double yellow lined with highly restricted parking times in street.  The whole street wanted permit parking on the verges in front of their houses, not just me, to stop the people working across the street or selling cars taking the only available spaces we all have.  The disabled spot was a back-up plan if we (everyone in the whole street) couldn't get permit parking, so fail on both fronts. :(. Frustrating as the council agreed to do it a few streets up, but claim it would be too costly.


She has her own car with disabled controls so she doesn't have to wait for me to get home after work to have a life.


Sounds like the best thing you can do is move! 

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