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What's wrong with people?!


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Some a******e has kindly keyed the near side panels of my wife's Ford Focus today. I left it parked in another part of our street as I wanted to get the Westfield out. I used to park my car in this bit of the street every day but most of the other regulars seem to have changed (or changed cars) so I suspect someone think I parked in 'their space'.

Thankfully they haven't made a very good job at it despite two goes and I think a machine polisher will deal with it no trouble. The car needed doing anyway.

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Those people are just "t*****s"

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It's a symptom of the make up of modern housing estates and peoples attitudes to other people and their property these days. Read into that what you will.

Anyone who has seen Pulp Fiction where Vincent (John Travolta) is talking about his car having been keyed will know how I feel at the moment.

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Probably the same f****r that reversed into my z

People have no respect for others stuff, won't say anything to you and have a sense of entitlement that its their slot! T****. I used to get it where I lived. "That's my slot it's outside my house" no it's the public road and its also outside my house too

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Seems my neighbours C-Class was keyed too. Yet they ignored the 1-series coupe, A8 and 300C (all somehow owned by the same chavs) between the two.

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Most of the towns in our area ( luckily all 10 miles away ) are expanding at an alarming rate with huge green field developments of up to 1,000 houses each. They all follow a similar pattern with a couple of 4/5 bed detached with a single garage and possibly a parking space and 4 terraced, the end two  3/4 bed with a parking space and the centre two 2/3 bed with no parking space. Our eldest with 3 cars and 4 children ( none driving yet) looked at a 5 bed and we estimated in this road of 12 houses accepting no one would park their day car in the garages there could be 30 or more cars with only 10 off road parking spaces. I would imagine this will cause the ultimate in parking rage evenings and week ends and surprised the local authority allow it, or is it what's now called " Planning Gain". 

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When I was looking at new builds it was some planning policy (national or local, can't remember which) that 1/2 bed would have one space and 3+ could have no more than two. Then, foreseeing a parking nightmare the clever council said once the roads are adopted they will all be no parking. Had to look at the plots available to see where you could get inventive with parking, then saw sense and bought an 80s house in a nice area with plenty of driveway.

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Interestingly that 'no parking on the road' policy was the council learning their lesson from the estate Matt lives in.

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new builds make money parking costing lots of £ and space  so they go green ie bike shed ect

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Out new build has space for the Westy in the garage and 2x cars on the drive. It's only a 3 bed semi. Some of the 3 bed semis got very lucky, and you could easily fit 4x on their drives.

Everyone still parks on the roads though. When they finish the roads and paths, I don't think anyone will be parking on them. As they won't all be Tarmac.

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whilst i dont condone any form of criminal damage it does hack me off a tad when i see people with several cars, you know the type mum and dad and the litter of children, who all park on the road and not on their drive and get all arsy about others parking on the road. i once lived somewhere like that where the woman woke the house up at 1am and demanded i shifted my car so she could park. naturally i said politely no. also people who have a big garage and fill it with **** and then park all over the road.

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I have to park my work van in the road outside my house that doesn't really bother me. The mrs hates to see it there and keeps wanting to block pave the front garden to put it on. I won't let her do it as if my van isn't there someone else will park there and I would rather see my vehicle outside.

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It's a symptom of the make up of modern housing estates and peoples attitudes to other people and their property these days. Read into that what you will.


Seems my neighbours C-Class was keyed too. Yet they ignored the 1-series coupe, A8 and 300C (all somehow owned by the same chavs) between the two.

Urrrm, yes. I think you might have kit the nail on the head there!

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When I was looking at new builds it was some planning policy (national or local, can't remember which) that 1/2 bed would have one space and 3+ could have no more than two. Then, foreseeing a parking nightmare the clever council said once the roads are adopted they will all be no parking. Had to look at the plots available to see where you could get inventive with parking, then saw sense and bought an 80s house in a nice area with plenty of driveway.

This the real brunt of it isnt it.


Most houses these days are two cars houses. Most 3+ bed houses are family houses, and hence at some point will most likely have three cars, hence there are no spaces at all.


I live in an ex-council 1940's build, was a four bed but bathrooms now in the box room, with two others who my age. Each have cars, I have a second car, as did one of the guys living with me to recently.

But even though it was built before people had cars, its was built with space, so i have a two car apron outside the house, and then a double garage with an apron that's almost big enough to get three cars on.

Plus space down the garage for the trailer on, and another car in front if I block the side door of the garage. Plus at a push I have car access to the garden and could get another 2 or 3 on there, four if I didnt have a raised patio bit, and I have once or twice put the trailer or car on the front lawn!


Suffice to say that, like myself, the previous owner was a bit of a car nut. But to be able to get 6 cars off the road on a hard standing 5 of which have direct access to get out, or 8 if 3 are parked in, and about 12 at a push using lawned area..... Cant see many new builds being able to do that.





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Yet another sore subject for me as well.


Basically, we have a Victorian semi-detached on a main road, with a paved verge and drop kerbs.  The verges used to be grass many moons ago, but the council paved them over to cut costs.  There's no rear access so no parking behind the houses, (very) restricted time on-street parking out front (midnight-6 AM, huge help), no room between the houses to park... so the only place we have to park within 100 yards of our own front door is on the paved verge, which strictly speaking is illegal.


Everyone on the street is pretty cooperative though, and we can park two cars in front of each house at a 45 degree angle while ensuring the pavement is not blocked.  We all respect each other's space in front of each other's houses, so in that respect, it's good.


The problem comes when visitors and idiots arrive.  There's a NHS facility across the road with dozens of parking spaces, yet they still sometimes park on our side of the street parallel with the road, taking two spots.  Occasionally, some muppet will park their car for sale and leave it - one guy left his Pug in front of my house, and when I called his number to ask him what he was playing at, he apologised but said he couldn't move it as he'd left it there for the next fortnight while he was in Cornwall on his hols!  (Not for long he didn't - I managed to unlock it and towed it with a tow bar all the way to a neighbouring street without parking restrictions.)


Then we had a run-in with the council, who had said they would turn a blind eye to us parking on the verge as long as we didn't block the pavement, which worked fine for 30 years.  Then without warning, they changed their minds, and 50 of us woke up with parking tickets on our cars, and again the next day.  Let's just say that 50 people turning up at the council offices with reporters and television cameras can make people think twice and the tickets were cancelled.


The best ones are when some outsider who's been politely told before again parks incredibly inconsiderately on the verge and we gang up on them, parking a car either side of theirs so tightly they can't get in through the doors, then sit back and watch the fun.  They know they were in the wrong, and aren't keen on knocking on the door to ask if we can move our cars.  Twice I've seen idiots climb in through the hatch. :d

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