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Just a quick hello


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Just thought i'd introduce myself as a new member to WSCC. I have had my Westfield siew for just over a year. Looking forward to meeting fellow owners and learning/sharing anything related.

A picture of my car, not one of the greatest examples (wiring troubles) but it's well on the way to becoming a decent road car.

Ok, so i haven't figured out how to post pictures yet? XD

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Hi, i haven't figured out how to post pictures either  ???


Where are you in the UK?

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Hi Chris


Welcome, wow how have you managed to stay away from here through a whole year of west ownership  ???  


Sounds like the tinkering has set in already  :t-up: next it'll be upgraditus  :d but most importantly drive it and have fun  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:

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The old Xflow has just had a rebuild... By me, a really experienced engine builder... first time :p but it seems to be running well. Carb strip down and some wiring is next on the cards :)

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Welcome Chris :t-up:

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Welcome Chris, sounds like you've been having fun!


There'll be more cars starting to come out of hibernation now, and the local areas arranging more and more runs and events; do try and get along to a few if you can. It's a great way to pass some time, tyre kicking and having a chat and a pint over the cars - great for inspiration and new ideas too. 


Plus if you think heading out for a run is great, just wait till you do it in a group of other Westfields.  :yes:  :d 

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Looking forward to join the runs out.I'm in Bury, Manchester. I know two others that are members on here, although i don't know the usernames :p Both live in Ramsbottom.

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Hi Chris, a year is too long not to come on the forum, don't let this happen again, or else.

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Much better late than never! Welcome on board :)

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Just a quick hello from me - welcome :d

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Welcome. I'm guessing you know Dave

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Welcome some nice roads by you for Westfields and some good company that way too :)

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