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Short Steering arms - Quickly, damn you Westfield!


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Does anyone have spare or know of anyone producing the short steering arms for Westfields?


I ordered a set before Xmas and was told January, I'm now 3 months down the line and in dire need of getting my car setup for the season :( Meanwhile Westfield scratch their bums and drink tea all day... They can't even give me an idea on delivery and talking about refunding me which currently leaves me without many other options other than finding a quick rack (they don't stock them either) grrrrr!!



Can anyone come to my rescue please? :cry:

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Why not make some?

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They're forged though so I don't know about going down that route - a few people said it could be a bit dodgy...

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Meanwhile Westfield scratch their bums and drink tea all day... They can't even give me an idea on delivery and talking about refunding me

That’s a bit harsh ??? They don't make them and rely on buying the parts in from other suppliers so I am sure they’re just as frustrated as yourselves about the long delay, at least they have offered you a refund.

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I think it's pretty shoddy tbh, and I am asking them nicely - over 3 months? I would get shot at work for that

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Martin 9marto on here)  I thought fitted short and then was switching back to long.

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I think it's pretty shoddy tbh, and I am asking them nicely - over 3 months? I would get shot at work for that


But surely it's the manufacturerer you should be compaining about on here not the retailer ?


It's not the retailers fault that they can't get the parts and their supplier is being slack.

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I agree but still they should be on top of it giving the supplier a hard time and pushing them, this week is the first time they've actually called me back... I'm not here to bad mouth them, just very frustrated by the way they've failed to handle the situation - like do nothing until now.


CAT can only supply a whole rack, no idea how long it will take was the honest answer. May go for the quicker rack from Westfield if they can get it on time, long shot but just thought maybe someone has some short arms spare :)

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Understand the frustration, but don't forget the poor lads at Kingswinford are probably being spun the old "it's in the post" stuff every time they chase their suppliers to fill their orders too.  I know for a fact that they've really struggled with unreliable suppliers, suppliers taking deposit money and then going bump, and then the process of finding new parts fabricators and suppliers, and getting them up to speed, isn't an overnight job.


Yes, you're absolutely right to be frustrated, but try to understand and be frustrated with the state of the supplier market first.  Russ and Gavin are very much the piggies in the middle between us and the suppliers.  An email to Julian politely explaining your situation and frustration at the suppliers letting both you and the Westfield factory down is a good way to go, gives them ammo to fire at the suppliers.

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I have a shiny new pair of the standard ones if that any help?

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Not to add insult to injury, but I too am still waiting for short steering arms, I have emailed Russ but no reply and may have even PM'd him from here still no reply, If I ran my own business like that I think I'd be in trouble ???


I know many of you here are very friendly with Russ ( normally very helpful ) and the chaps at the factory and it may not necessarly be thier fault, but really come on Wesfield this is not good enough.


If you dont have stock and cant get stock just say so, at least then we can start to look elsewhere for parts straight away :yes:

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Let's not mistake things here - we are friendly and friends with all at Kingswinford, but we keep business and friendship separate.  I'll drop an email to Julian tonight and ask him to look into it.

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Im sure I saw some for sale on here yesterday?

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