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England vWales RU game

Terry Everall

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Anyone know if this is available on Freeview anywhere?

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I thought it was last weekend

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i did the same terry - rushed home from work to have nothing to watch  :)

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Last weekend was the rest days.   England v. Wales should be a corker, as usual.  Coming up Beeb 1.   3:00pm. sun. 9th.

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Oh god I think I might work from home on Monday. This game turns certain people into my office into idiots!

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Great I have not missed it!

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Better than listening to football ranting.

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Yes, should be a game to watch.

England will be looking for revenge after last year's thrashing. Wales have their tails up after the last match and will be looking to make it three in a row.


COME ON Wales! :t-up:

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I can't see it on BBC.........anyone know if its on Freeview and when

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Thanks for that

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Has anyone seen the fuss made by some nut job Plaid Cymru MP about Sam Warburton? Apparently unsuitable to captain Wales because he classes his nationality as British! I similarly don't identify myself as English or Welsh as I am from a Welsh family but born and raised in England (the opposite of Sam Warburton). The only reason I support Wales is because that's who I was raised to support. It's like picking Man Utd over Man City really!

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I'm am welsh through and through but still British and proud of it ..........

All press nonsense no doubt.

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And we won!    The English of course.

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