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Bob Green - it's been a year :-(

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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Just occurred to me that it has been a year since Bob passed away...


Treasure every last moment chaps

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Wow - time really does fly, doesn't it? :down:


Gone but not forgotten, a good man was our Bob :yes:

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Aye, was only thinking of Bob the other day - cleaning out old Dropbox folders, I found one I'd set up with Bob so that he could send me his photos while I was showing him how to process them with Adobe Lightroom.


Don't put off till tomorrow...

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yes not forgotten , funny that dave I still have bobs folder in my photobucket full of pics ,so he could post pics on here

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A sad sad loss for his family including the Westfiled guys

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I never knew the man, from earlier descriptions he sounds like some one worth being around. What is really wonderful is the impression he made upon all of you and your recognition of Bob the man, your friend. Just another indication of the type of people you are. Makes me happy to be in your company.

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Thats whats great about this club, 12 months since Bob passed away, and we can still remember him with good memories..

Dont put anything off guys.you never know when the day will come.

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Great guy and a true gent - gave lots of support to me at times on here with PM's etc. His support and kind words will never be forgotten.

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Great guy, it's good that he is remembered with a trophy bearing his name at every Speed Series Awards evening.

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And lets not forget his enthusiasm and great photos when he was at events

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I met Bob a few times at various Speed Series event - the memory of his kindness and enthusiasm for cars, motorsport and photography will never be lost.


Bob always had time to talk to you - he was interested in our cars, how we were doing and shared his extensive knowledge of photography.

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