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Newbie saying hello


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I joined WSCC yesterday, I've already posted in the tech bit although I'm Westyless at present.  I've been looking for one since last year, and have nearly bought twice, but cars were just not right, not bad, but did not "wow" me.


If I'm honest I'm not sure what I want, I veer and haul between an older car that requires work, or new expensive that gleam.


Engine wise, well V8's make me grin, but I also like a hard worked 4 pot, but not into screaming bike engines.


I'm actually getting so frustrated now I'm looking at dealers and paying over the odds.


As for other cars, well I have a Volvo XC70 tug and a Scirocco GT diesel.


My first car at 16 wasn't a car but a minivan, as soon as I passed my test this thing taught me to drive, especially with crossply tyres.


When I was 18 I bought a Triumph Toledo off an old bloke (probably same age as me now) with a view to customising it, yes stupid idea.  However, my mate managed to dispose of his Dolomite Sprint into a stout tree, I bought it off him and rebuilt the Toledo with all the Sprint goodies. I skimmed and ported the head and balanced the combustion chambers, no idea of the BHP but that Toledo was a "Q" car, and would see off practically anything.  From then just been mundane transport but always fancied a kit car, in 1984 I even went so far as to buy a donor car for a Dutton Pheaton, only to be thwarted by a move of job to Scotland.


Anyway, I'm pleased to be a member? even though I'm missing a vital bit of the title.





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Welcome Ian


Take your time and try and drive all the different engined Westys you fancy before jumping to a decision, oh and get down to your local meet  :t-up:


Good Luck & keep us posted  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

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Like most here you've hankered after a kit car for years

This is the time of the year they start to appear for sale

As has been said your local club meet is a wealth of help and information like no other one make club I've meet :)

Good luck your cars out there somewhere ;)

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Welcome / feel free to come and join in our local meet ups, your not too far away

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welcome to the mad house.


hope you find the right car soon  :t-up:

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Welcome Ian, as other have said take your time and get as many test drives in different engined versions as possible, especially if your undecided. As you've already discovered, there's more than enough knowledgeable folks willing to assist you where they can.

Look forward to seeing what you get so keep us all posted.

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Welcome Yanto......I'm a meltonian myself. Your doing the right thing. Joining here 1st, will get you educated and informed. So that you can build yourself a short list of 2 or 3. So that when that potential does arise.....you can go and view with serious intent armed with a bit more than pulling the dipstick. In my 1st year being a member of this club, I've quickly realised that a lot of the guy's on here have some serious knowledge of all things Westy. To the point where what they don't know, probably "ain't worth knowing"

Obviously I'm local to you. I personally have an xe and would be happy to take you for a drive after the lay up. I'm hoping for re tax for April 1st but will see what weather's doing.....

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Welcome Ian.

A good way to source a car is place a wanted post on this forum, more likely to get something direct rather than paying a dealers premium. Thats what I did and it worked well with offers of cars which weren't advertised for sale.

Also don't dispel a bike engined car until you have tried it lol? I am not that far from you and happy to take you out when things warm up a bit.

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Welcome! Some excellent advice there...


the more cars you get to see, the more you'll know what to look for! You'll also stand a better chance of happening on the car that just pushes your buttons.

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Hi and welcome.


You do know that the perfect car for you will be the one that you build yourself :t-up:  :t-up:

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The next to perfect car will be Pete Gouldings V8 which is for sale, you won't find any better.

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