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New Owner - Big Hello!


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Hello all and thanks for such a brilliant and lively forum!


My name’s John and I’ve just bought my first Westie - Atlas12v’s ’92 Narrow SE Redtop:



I’ve recently owned hot hatches and before that had an S1 Elise as my daily drive.  I’m mainly going to be using the car on the road with an occasional track day thrown in for good measure and live near Croydon in Surrey.


I’ve already taken care of the essentials – WSCC membership, battery conditioner etc – and am already starting to think towards upgrades...

the most urgent of which is getting a seat on runners so my wife can drive! :)  The car currently has the low back Westfield seats that come in two pieces so they will need replacing.  I’ve got my eye on the JK Composites N3942s and have got a price from Jordan – carbon fibre style heads, 5 piece upholstery – black with orange piping and possibly the Westfield logo weaved in which I think would look superb.  My only concern is that I’m 5ft11 and 14.5 stone so things are already pretty tight.  It’s definitely a length problem rather than girth (!) as the car has top mounted pedals and I’m struggling for leg room.  I was having a play around last night and taking the seats out and sitting on the floor gives me plenty of room – but does anyone have a view how the JKs will compare to the current seats re: height and depth?


Alternatively I don’t suppose there’s anyone near me with a narrow and JK seats I could take a look at?


My other priority is a slight oil leak from the prop shaft seal (that Atlas warned me about).  On a Type 9 box can the seal be changed with the box still in the car?  Big job?




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Hi John, and thanks for joining! :t-up:


I'm sure others will be along to answer your seat and gearbox questions, but hopefully you'll receive your magazine and club sticker I sent in the post soon.


A word of caution - upgradeitis is incurable and we will not help the situation, as we love helping spend other people's money. :laugh:


Hope to see you at Stoneleigh in May and help you empty your wallet even more there :t-up:


Have fun with your new toy!

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Hi Scott,


Certainly did receive the sticker and WWs - the day after I signed up! :yes: :yes: Thanks!!


Re: upgradeitis - yeah I've definitely seen the danger and will be keeping a careful eye on things.  Thankfully Atlas has done an amazing job with the car so apart from the odd bit here and there I can't see too much I'd want to do to her at the moment - that's not a challenge btw guys. :)


Yup, have got Stoneligh in my calendar and hoping to make it.

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Re: upgradeitis - yeah I've definitely seen the danger and will be keeping a careful eye on things.  Thankfully Atlas has done an amazing job with the car so apart from the odd bit here and there I can't see too much I'd want to do to her at the moment...


You're right, it's an excellent car.  Can't imagine what you might want...


Maybe a high-level brake light?


Boot box lid / cover?


Rear diffuser?


Half hood?


Some of the great new driving clothes from our Merchandise Store?


/walks away slowly, whistling innocently :devil:;):d

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Hi John,  Good news- I'm 5 11 and 14 1/2 stone and a bit more since xmas,  and fit in the in the JK seats perfectly (have the 4246 ones), that won't be a problem for you. I have top mounted pedals as well, I'm near South Benfleet if that's not too far for to travel, your welcome to try mine.

Bad news is working on the tail of the gearbox is not so easy, best to take it out,  or maybe the seal has been done in situ by someone on the forum, lets see who has.

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Ha ha...  Yeah, that's pretty much the list I drew up last week before I'd even collected it... :)

  • High 3rd LED brake light
  • Battery conditioner
  • High back seats
  • Helmet
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Second set of wheels/tyres

Boot box lid is a very good idea and did cross my mind.  NO NO NO NO!!!! :angry::d


The other "upgrade" I've lined up is grinding out the lump in front of my new garage doors that caused the sump to bottom out whilst I was parking at the weekend.  All these little jobs that you don't ever imagine will need doing...

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Here's the high-level brake light many of us have (other models and suppliers are available, etc.):


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Welcome John. :t-up:  Surrey Area not too far from you and easy to get to I imagine. We are not too far either, especially as and when we meet at the Ace Café.

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Hi and welcome

I swapped my type 9 rear seal in a narrow took about an hour and got it from above after removing drive shaft and gear lever remote extension

A bit like wall papering the hallway through your letterbox but possible ;)

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Thanks all for your welcomes!


Sooty - thanks for the offer.  I'll drop you a PM to see if we can arrange something.


Pickmaster - thanks.  I'll be taking it in somewhere as it's definitely beyond my current level of expertise...  Would you suggest a 7 specialist then or would my local indepedent be ok? (presumably they'd charge me the extra labour to remove...)

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Hi John

Nice car, that came up after I bought mine and I thought 'oh pooh!' as I liked it!

I'm localish, Crawley but work in Wimbledon. Got JKs fitted in a SWEi if you just want to try em out?

Steve at Surrey clubs very knowledgable and helpful!


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I'd say any old school guy who was working on fords in the 70s 80s would fly through the seal change having already done hundreds in his time

Just tell him he has an option from above unlike the original car ;)

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