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Closed road hillclimb events coming to UK?


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Not going to happen in this country, is it?   The do gooders want to shut down what we already have :p

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The MSA have been doing a lot of good work in recent years petitioning the Goverment for a change in legislation that would simplyfy the process of organising closed roads events in the UK. As I understand it the difficulty is not so much in the physical closing of the roads and oranising the event, but rather that an Act of Parlament is required to temporarily suspend the road traffic act which would still otherwise apply on a closed road.

I genuinely hope the work the MSA are doing is successful, as it would be great to see a few of this events happening on our island.

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I don't see why closed private roads are not used for events.


Below is a video of the Orme which has been used for over 30 years as a rally special stage.


It is a private toll road 'in the summer and procedes go to the local council.


Cut my teeth in my teens and early twenties on this stage, during events and night time practices :rolleyes:


Would be awsome in a westy


:love: :love:






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I agree - i have though about speaking to Northampton Borough Council about seeing if we can do a sprint in the park of northampton - given the link to motorsport in the area…. would be great to showcase our sport to the masses...

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The big issue is that most councils are now full of do gooding tree huggers who see anything to do with cars as dangerous, pointless and to be stopped at all costs.

The exceptions are where there is a huge finacial benifit, like Brighton Speed Trials, after thousands signed a petition. Woking with McClaren and surprisingly Froome, where Jenson Button was born and they allowed him to hoon around in the F1 car. The crowds that brought in probably was a years takings for some businesses there.


They are fearful of Health and safety issues and the inevitable compensation claims when someone drops an ice cream.


Bristol Motor Club got the National trust to agree in principle to a hill climb event at Durham park, which has a fantastic winding hill about two miles in lenght. Then they started with every tree must be wrapped, every blade of grass must be protected to such lengths that the event was a none starter.


I get so mad as if this was a cycling lesbian yogurt making group, the councils would bend over backwards to help them.


As for the Italian police man, if it was in this country we would hunt him down, make an example of him by sacking and prosecuting him, but thankfully there are still countries like Italy and the US where the police are allowed to not be done up in full body armour everytime they go out in public on a bike.

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